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Your POV.:

We saw it all. We saw when Denki and Ayato got into the helicopter. The part where they where flying, and the part where they had been shot down.

There was this big screen that everyone was watching in the court yard.

Shinoa and Yuki where crying and hugging each other for comfort. Nezumi hugged Them with a few years leaving his eyes too. Kaname didn't shed a tear, but his eyes said it all. Even though he nearly shows any emotion right now he was showing a lot; and I was whimpering and crying silently too my self.

~Time skip to when everyone's in there cels and it's night~ brought to you by emotionless badass Levi~

I had just entered my cel. I walked over to my 'bed' and later down. I turned toward the wall and pulled the thin converse over me. Then everything rushed back into my head like a tsunami.

Why does this always happen! First I loose my parents and now my best friends. What's next? I asked my self sobbing and whimpering. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't they just play it safe? Why? Why? WHY?! Now my tears were flowing like a water fall, but I cried silently. Not wanting the guards making fun of me. Why is life so unfair! Why is it so cruel to us? All these 'why' questions popped into my head. Eventually I had cried myself to sleep. Tears staining my cheeks.

~Time skip to morning~brought to you by Rin and his Satanic powers~

I woke up and started running my eyes trying to get rid of the drowsiness. I felt my dries up tears in my cheeks, but I quickly rubbed those away. I got up and grabbed my clothes. Yep clothes it's not that I slept naked. It's that we have to pairs of clothes that are washed everyone month, but you get used to the smell. I started to change behind the curtains. The curtains only covered the toilet, but thank Aang that the toilets where put in the far corner of the room so I was covered in all four sides.

I stood on top of the toilet with my feat on the rim of the toilet seat since there was no toilet lid to put down. I have fallen into the toilet before while changing and got my clothes wet, but no piss or shit got into it cause I flush the toilet. But trust me you do not want wet clothes it feels like you pissed in your clothes, but without the horrible stench. And I would rather fall into the toilet then let the guards see me naked. Well not naked cause I'd be wearing my under wear, but still! Poor Shinoa once got her toilet curtains (that's what I'm gonna call the from now on) taken away, but nobody knows why. And she had too change in front of the guards even though she's kinda flat chested they still stared at her the entire time. Poor Shi (that's your nickname for her.)

~Time skip to courtyard~ Brought to you by Shion and his cute little face~

We where all sitting at the bench with our heads down. Shinoa was whimpering while a few tears left Yuki's eyes gliding down her pale cheeks. Kaname and Nezumi just had poker faces on with slight frowns. I was burying my face into my hands while leaning onto the bench table.

"I want to leave this horrid place" I looked up toward the voice and saw Kaname. My eyes widened. That was so out of character for Kaname he never suggested things like that. Never. He was usually the one who went against suggestions like that.

All of us looked at him in shock. Shinoa was the one who recovered first.

"K-Kaname why w-would you sug-gest that?" She asked stuttering a lot.

"I-I don't want to stay here anymore after Ayato and Denki died I revised I would rather die trying then stay here in this hell hole" He said looking down at his lap clenching his fists.

"I agree" I looked over to Nezumi with a shocked expression.

"I agree too" I heard Yuki say I looked over to her and also saw Shinoa nodding her head. Then they all stared at me.

"I-I don't know guys it seems risky" I said while avoiding everyone's eye contact and playing with my shirt sleeve in discomfort.

"Oh come on (y/n), we all would rather die trying then live here just like Kaname said" Yuki said while gesturing toward the dark haired brunette next to her. Everyone stared at me again and Yuki brought out the puppy eyes. No not the puppy eyes! Damnit!

"F-Fine, but stop with the puppy eyes" I said while trying to shield my self from the puppy eyes with my hands.

"Yay!" Cheered out Shinoa and Yuki. I sighed and got up and started walking toward the building.

"Where are you going?" Asked Nezumi while raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just tired that's all plus yesterday was...was overwhelming" I said holding back tears and quickly turning around and heading to my cel. I just want to be alone for a while till there deaths doesn't pop into my head every second.

Hope ya guys like the new chapter and there's going to be frequent chapters since it's the Holidays!

Well by my awesome humans!:3

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