Hi Readers!

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(Author's note: please read these if seen in between chapters)

Hi! *waves* Welcome to the story of My Sickly Mate.

I've never made a book before I had started this one. As a kid, I would make little short stories with lots of pictures (my mom even kept one lol), so I don't really think that counts. I've always had ideas and good story plots that could, well I thought, be awesome, but I have always questioned wether or not I can write well enough to convey those ideas. So, I just said, "You know what, whatever," and decided to just throw one of my ideas out there.

I decided to start this and go with this story plot because... Well, I'm not really sure myself. Maybe, I started it because I was bored and I wanted something to do, to see what others think of my writing abilities, to see how high I can get a story concerning views and rank, or just to have people enjoy something that I created by myself. I don't know. *shrugs*

I started this two years ago when I was fifteen and now I'm seventeen. It takes me a while to write, and other stuff, because of school and my timidness/weariness over my writing abilities. So, please be patient with when updates will be because I don't know when they will be myself. I just write when I'm in the mood to.

Also, I do not mean for this book to be offending to anyone at all. If you have an issue or anything else, please private message me about it and I will reply.

This story is fiction and I do not have cancer. For this story, I have done some research online on cancer, in general, and lung cancer, specifically. But, please don't expect the facts to be spot on as I have never had cancer, nor am I a doctor. This is a work of fiction.

Please enjoy this story and comment please. I like to read them and reply, too. The comments help me a lot.

See ya!
Lady Amethyst

P.s. If you see any spelling of grammar errors, please comment and tell me. Thanks!

This story, plot, and characters belong to me. The photos on each chapter do not belong to me as they belong to their respective owners. Please do not steal my story as that is a plagiarism and you will be caught.

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