01: moment

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"Hobie, never trust a murderer," his mom says. In fact she said it often, afraid that someday the boy would forget.

"Mom, I know~ stop treating me like a kid! I'm a freaking jr.." Hoseok turned on his hooves- heels out the front door and headed to Yoongi's house to wake him up.

It was the first day of school, Yoongi's last first day of high school and he's curled up in his bed still sleep.

Yoongi groaned when Hoseok turned on the light.

"Oh my gosh!" Hoseok exclaimed when he saw the alarm clock he set up for Yoongi in shambles on the floor.

Yoongi pulls the covers over his head to avoid the light and Hoseok. "Oh no, you're getting up now Yoongi. We're going to be late-"

Yoongi pulled Hoseok down onto his bed and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh.."

Hoseok's naturally wild heartbeat was raging at an all-time high when Yoongi cuddled against his chest

"Let's be late, Hobi.." Yoongi rasps. Hoseok swallows hearing his morning voice. It almost gave him a hard-on.

"N-No, we can't, it's the first day. We'll be scolded!" Hoseok said loudly making Yoongi cover his ears.

"Fuck, Hoseok. You always want to cuddle and now that I want to, it's school this, being scolded that.." Yoongi gets up clad in boxers and Hoseok stares as he finds his uniform to wear.

"But yeah, I don't do punishment, like I do the punishing." Yoongi smirked and Hoseok blushed. He slapped himself lightly on the cheek when Yoongi had his back turned.

Around five minutes later Yoongi wore his school uniform. He stood by the door putting his backpack on when he caught Hoseok staring at him.

"You gonna lay there all day? We're going to be late you know?" Yoongi mocked making Hoseok snap out of his thoughts and stifle a laugh.

"Oh right, duh."


All throughout the opening ceremony, Yoongi was either on his phone, or ignoring what anyone had to say about it.

One of the great things about being a senior? Yoongi would say it's the last year to conform to silly rules. For instance: this hideous school uniform.

Like really? It's like a banana lowkey mixed in s.hit.

Yoongi mentally cheered when it was finally over. All the kids were now scrambling to their first class, but Yoongi didn't even have his schedule, nice.

He walked over to the schools office to pick it up and grimaces. A line has already been formed for those alike Yoongi.

He stood there, the line slowly moving every so often. When it was finally his turn he quickly pulled out his ID and showed it to the office lady. She gave him his schedule and he was on his way to his first class...

He remembered this...

He remembered this moment just as it happened.

Summer was coming to an end and the leaves withered prematurely. The sun shone clear in the sky, as the clouds dissolved from the lingering warmth of it.

Yoongi turns down the corridor as he hit something hard.

"Ow!" A boy yelled as he fell to the ground. Yoongi looked around and then down at the boy.. 'Did I just do that?'

He stood still as the boy slowly got up and dusted himself off. "Ugh, now look what you did. My pants are ruined!" He shouted.

Yoongi felt a headache coming on as the boy screamed in his face. "They're just pants dude, wash them."

The boy scoffed. "Of course a peasant would say that, but I don't wear the same thing twice. Even my uniform." The boy smiles smugly and Yoongi chokes.

"Why in the hell would you waist money on that everyday? Tss..." Yoongi observed the boys appearance and found his name tag. "Isn't Jimin a girl name?"

Jimin frowned, "Isn't Yoongi a poor persons name? Oh yeah it is." Jimin forces a smile before turning away to leave. Yoongi didn't take offense to Jimin's lame comeback since he, in fact, was middle class.

"Nice butt Jimin!" Yoongi shouted making the younger turn around in embarrassment. Probably the worst way to avoid further embarrassment.

Yoongi couldn't help but notice the dirt that he failed to remove from his pants, and when he did notice, he couldn't stop.

He had such a nice bum.

"Too bad you're not a girl, I would have fucked that ass of yours already." Yoongi smirks.

Jimin gasps and turns around almost bumping into a pole. He could hear Yoongi laughing as he went straight to his algebra class trying to shake off the events from that moment.

Yoongi wipes the tears in his eyes. 'That was a good laugh,' he thought to himself.

He walked to his first class with a light heart and all throughout the day he found himself thinking about him. Jimin. A spoiled rich brat he just met.

He'll never forget that moment. The moment they met. Along with the seasons, everything was changing.

From the moment he met him, he was not prepared for what will happen.

And alike Yoongi, no one was.

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