03: locker room

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Jimin was walking to the locker room with Jin, then stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a familiar face.

"Oh no.." He grimaced when he saw Yoongi enter before them.

'Please god, tell me why?' He hid behind Jin's back as they walked into the locker room.

He's sure Yoongi didn't see him, but there was only a matter of time before the elder finds out they have the same PE period.

"Uh what are you doing?" Jin asked as Jimin kept tugging on his jacket behind him.

"I'm hiding...he's here.." Jimin whispered.

Jin pursed his lips. "So much for having fun.. This is our only class together.." Jin was disappointed. All Jimin would be thinking about was Yoongi all period now. They won't be able to enjoy themselves..

"Jimin, why don't you just befriend him so you can actually relax..? He's not that bad..."

"Huh? No.. I can't. There's something about him that's freaking me out! It's like he has this spell on me."

"What?" Jin laughs. "Jimin, you're so dumb, come on, let's go change."


Jimin felt relieved...and sweaty. They had to run the mile today which meant he wouldn't have to bump into Yoongi because they were different years, but he also felt lonely since Jin wasn't there.

He caught up with Jin at the locker rooms and they lined up to shower. Jin rested his head on the wall as the line moved.

"Jin, what's it like to publicly shower?" Jin didn't have much energy to laugh, but he did.

It was their first day of PE and they already needed to use the showers. Jin wondered how Jimin would take the news since he's, well, pampered and stuff. Jin was used to it by now.

"Well, uh, you see that line over there?" Jin asked pointing to the long line of boys on the other side. Jimin nods.

"Okay well, it's exactly this on the opposite side. One at a time we go in for a short, timed three minutes then come out the other end."

"Oh..." Jimin sighs in relief. "So no one will see me naked?"

"Jimin...don't freak out.." Jin calmly put his hand on Jimin's shoulder reassuringly. "..but two people go in at a time."

Jimin's brows came together in horror. "Wha wha wha.."

"Jimin, calm down. There are two showers, two! One on this side one on the side across from us. On the opposite side of the locker room there are two more, which makes a total of four. Think of a square split into four."

"But, I don't get it... Will someone seeee?" Jimin said putting the emphasis on 'see'.

"Just the person across from you Jimin. It's nothing to worry about anyway, we are all guys a- oh shit."

"What what happened?!" Jimin says in surprise. Jin looked back at Jimin with his mouth covered.

"It's- pfft. It's nothing, Jimin." Jin laughed and he almost pissed himself to be honest when he saw Yoongi in the other line directly across from Jimin.

This must be fate

As the line moved Jimin became more anxious. He started counting the number of males on the side across from theirs and found Yoongi.

He quickly hid his face. He convinced himself he didn't see him yet because if he did, he'd surely let him know it.

He counted Yoongi as 8 then peaked around Jin to count the males on their side.

His face went pale when he counted Jin...7

He was 8.

The whistle blows again signalizing the next two boys to enter the showers and Jimin panicked.

"J-Jin..." Jimin dug his nails into Jin's back when the whistle blew again. Why was it going by so fast now?!?! "Jin switch with me!"

Jin sighed. "Fine!" Jimin sighed in relief, but then quickly realized that Yoongi will be able to see him now that he has nowhere to hide.

Yoongi hadn't once looked at the side across from him. He just had a bored look on his face, or maybe he was tired?

"Oh, I didn't tell you something, Jimin, but I guess it's still possible for more than one person to see you naked..."

Jimin felt like he was going to faint.

"Oh look." Jin pointed to the other side and Jimin nearly had a heart attack when he sees the guy before Yoongi leave the line.

D.amn it

"Jin Hyung! Switch me again!" Jimin whisper-shouted and Jin groans switching him.

Wow this really is fate.

Soon the whistle goes off again and Jin and Yoongi both enter the showers. Jimin had his back turned with his towel covering his head so he won't notice him.

Jimin gulped as it was his turn and slowly rounded the corner. Some other guy did as well. It wasn't so bad. Only there was a guy on the other side that could look at Jimin when and if he pleased. It was fine.

It was a little awkward though.

Jimin took the clothes off his body and quickly bathed for the short three minutes and before he knew it, it was over.

When he stepped out on the other side with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he bumped into something hard.

He slowly looked up.

I think there is a song called 'tell me why' is it ToHeart?

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