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Dear journal it's been 3 days since I really got to hang out with Maria wanna know why we'll I was gonna tell you anyway it's because she been hanging out with jake she's coming home saying jake this jak e that Idc I wish I can just scream and say I like jake but it will just break her little heart and I don't want my Bestfriends heart brokering they haven't kiss yet neither I wander why but to let you know me and jake haven't spoken since the beach I wonder if that's what made him go after Maria because I could if swear I remember him saying that I like somebody else now there going out its just weird I wonder who's the other girl he liked anyway I can tell you this much I did try to call him twice but he didn't pick up I didn't leave a voice mail are anything maybe I should of I wonder if he's mad at me he just might be but I don't know why he act like I said something wrong all I said was why not Maria is awesome and clearly he think so to now are else he wouldn't be taken her out o and your wondering where Maria is now she's out with jake. He took her to the movies now that I'm thinking about it what if they kiss are what if he might ask her to be his girlfriend even Thoe Maria is my Bestfriend and I want her to be happy I will just cry if he ask her out and even Thoe he's been ignoring me that still doesn't change the fact that I like him maybe this is a sighn on how that me and jake should just be friends but its hard to JUST be FRIENDS with someone you like someone that makes you wanna get up just so you can see Em someone that makes you laugh and smile and you just love to be around someone who makes you feel like your the only girl in the world that hell rather be with that when he looks at you everything arounds him just disappear and you'll the only thing he see and that's why me and jake can be friends because that's the way I feel about Jake I never wanted to like him but it happen I can't control my feelings are maybe I can but I'm not gonna control the way I feel for jake because its not gonna Change he's like the only dude Forreal Forreal that I actually really liked I'm the other ones I just did it because Maria ask me to and that's my Bestfriend of course ill do anything for her.

I like him I like him not (Jake T Austin Fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now