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I am here. You am here. We all am here..
I'm assuming that you read the summary of this pointless book, so as you all know, some crazy shit is coming up. (btw if you don't curse, get outta here cuz this is ranting. it's in the word. R. Rated R.) I'm already not makin any sense. The point is, I'm gonna put mature whateverness on here because if I happen to blurt out, "aye, I'm horny," yall are gonna report me. Fortunately, I'm not gonna say anything like that.. even though I just did.. whatever. If you do know me, I'm sorta dead cuz I'll be talking about my views on everything.. don't hate me. I'm not expecting this book to get any views at all; It's a stupid idea, really.  I came up with this idea of ranting in a book on wattpad in the shower during the night. Literally, thats when I think the best, in the shower, and my mind is most keen at night. Once I was thinking of my room during the night and decorating the walls. I wrote in my journal what I wanted done, and guess what? The first thing I did when I woke up was decorate my walls. That's another thing. My room is my private sanctuary. I have a wall with just insane splotches of paint and words and names of songs I hear on the radio that I wanna remember. I have scattered papers pinned on my wall of my favorite songs which at the time, are:
•strip it down
•break up in a small town
•shatter me
•hey brother

Look em all up and comment if you like them. Everyone has a different taste in music. On da next section, I'll be talking about musicaaa. Just comment whatever you want me to talk about, and I'll do it. There's no such thing as a stupid comment. You can even dare me to do something and I'll do it haha. Anyways, make up ya mind if you're gonna continue reading this or nahh.

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