2 Music

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Yeahh.. music. This is just the second rant, and Im already getting into the most personal thing in my mind. Do you ever hear a song pop up on the radio and your stomach just completely jsnskdnje?
Just like that- It tenses up like your crush is looking at you, or you're about to say a speech in front of 100 people.. by memory. I've thought about it so hard before, and I don't understand. There are certain songs that just make me have that ksnsjdns feeling. The following songs do that to me:
•Break up in a small town
•Strip it down
•Shotgun rider
•I hold on

Chances are that people have certain songs of their own that give them that feeling. These are just mine. Do me a favor and look them up and tell me if they give you any feeling.
You're probably thinking that this is the the end of this rant, right? Hahah you're deeeed wrong.
The song shotgun rider came on about 5 minutes ago, and that feeling in my stomach was churning. Those songs also make me sad, as does "I got the boy, by Jana Kramer." I really listened to the lyrics andd that feeling came. Maybe the feeling comes from memories that had to do with the song, like maybe something big just happened that was either bad or good, and that song came on the radio. It's just a thought.
(break up in a small town just came on the radio, Im tearing up. damn I'm being hormonal)
But that reminds me, sometimes I have a day where I just watch a whole bunch of music videos and cry. Sometimes I have a day where I wake up with fire. I want revenge for no reason. I'd watch the music video "kerosene" by miranda lambert and put on my makeup and get my day on. Sometimes I'll have a day where I wanna be happy and positive, and listen to songs like that waka waka song by shakira.
*just saying my mood and I'm feeling really anxious for some reason. I think it's because someone hasn't answered my texts yet and Im worried if he's okay lmao Im such a freak*
Anyways, I'm ending this with 377 words. now it's 381 383 384...
-Kat <3

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