Human Leisure Activities

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     I pick up the book titled "The Fault In Our Stars" off the shelf in the library Dean and I were at. I handed it to the probably fourteen or fifteen year old girl. She smiled and said "Thank you, sir," I caught up to Dean who was standing in the religious section of the library. "Where were you?" He asked. 

     "I was helping that girl get a book off the top shelf." I responded and he just grunted. I picked up a book off the shelf and examined it, put it back and asked Dean "Why do people read? Isn't it a waste of time? Why can't they just talk to someone who knows? It takes much less time." He sighed, ignored me and kept scanning the books on the shelves. "What are we looking for, Dean?" and rather rudely he replied "Just shut up, Cas.". I couldn't tell if he was angry or annoyed so I decided to stop asking questions. 

     Later we were siting in the Impala and he looked at me holding a stack of books. "Why do you need to read all of these Dean? Why can't we just find someone who knows?" he groaned and said "You find me someone who knows and then we won't have to read but by reading these books Cas. We will be those people who know, and then when someone else needs to know they can just come find us. Alright?" He sounded very sarcastic and I felt stupid for asking. "But, Dean?" 

     "What, Cas?!?" He asked. 

     "Why do humans in general read?" 

     "It's a leisure activity." 

     "Used to pass time?" 

     "Sure, Cas. Some people just do it because they just enjoy it." 

     "I enjoy eating food. I don't just walk around doing that because I enjoy it."

     He laughed and said "Well if that's how you see it ok." and laughed again. I didn't understand why he was laughing. I do enjoy eating, but I do not walk around eating for leisure. Humans just walk around reading because they enjoy it. Why would you waste your time doing something like that when you could be helping someone? I looked at Dean and said "but why do they waste their time doing something like that when they could be helping people and saving lives like us?" 

Dean's p.o.v 

     After he asked that question is when I realized that he didn't understand why they would do something so wasteful because all he had ever done was try to help people. I decided I would make him read a couple real books that weren't about demons and angels or monsters. 

     When we got to the bunker I went to my room and grabbed a rather small Stephen King book and gave it to him and told him to read it. He began and we sat in the couch reading our books together. He began to get tired of reading and turned on the Tv and fell asleep on me. I wrapped my arm around him and kept reading. 

     He was still asleep and was talking about the book he had been reading. I laughed a bit and continued on with my book. He looked so handsome sleeping there. Then something he said caught my attention. "Thank you for the book, Dean. I really liked it. You were right, now I understand why people have leisure activities." He snuggled into me more and said "I love you, Dean". I didn't understand. I moved a bit and he woke up and said "Why'd you let me fall asleep?" 

     "Sorry, Cas. I um- I- just- I-" 

     "Are you alright?" 


     "Did something happen?" he asked sounding a bit panicked. 

     "Well, see you were talking in your sleep, and said something a bit strange." 

     "Oh... What did I say?"   

     "Nothing really. Just rambling about something." 

     "Oh... Ok. By the way, I finished the book you gave me. It was really good. I understand why people do it but I don't understand what they take from the experience of the book. I guess I will learn with time." He said and I just nodded my head and grunted softly. 


     This one is a little longer. Sorry if you don't like it. I was actually going to make this the beginning of a whole fanfiction. If you think I should let me know in the comments. I probably will anyway, but it would be nice to know that some people are actually reading it. Anyways... Merry Christmas!!! Let me know what y'all got in the comments!!! I got some Magic The Gathering playing cards and clothes and books. MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY ANIMALS!!! 

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