First Date

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Dean's POV 

     I looked in the full body mirror on the motel wall and straighten my tie. I run my fingers through my hair one last time before walking out of the door. I get in the impala and drive to Cas' house. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A woman shows up and I tell her I'm here for Castiel. She calls him down and before I know it he appears in the door before me wearing a purple shirt with black pants. 

     The ride to where I was bringing him was absolutely silent. It got a little awkward at times but I didn't mind much. We pulled up to the new restaurant in tow and he gives me a look. "Wow, Dean. I didn't think you would bring me here." His jaw is dropped and his eyes wide with joy and awe. I get out and open the door of the impala for him and run to the restaurant door to open that one as well. He smiles and says a quick "thanks." and a small head nod as he walks through the door. 

     "Table for two. Winchester." I say to the guy at the front with the reservation books. He smiles and says "yes. Mr. Winchester. Right this way sir." We follow him to the private table that I reserved for Cas and I. I knew Cas was surprised which was exactly what I was going for.

     He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. For the two weeks I had known him he hadn't smiled that long and happily. I just wish I could always stay here to make him smile like that, but I had to leave soon and I knew it. So did he, so we were making the most of our time together. 

     We enjoyed our meal and small talk avoiding the subject of me leaving and when. Before we left. I pulled up to his house and he smiled at me and said "I had fun tonight." I smiled and he leaned across the seat and started kissing me. The kiss deepened and he was stradlin my lap in my seat. I knew he wanted to make the most of our time together but I didn't know he meant having sex. Did he want to have sex? Maybe he just wanted a really good make out session. I am a pretty stellar kisser. 

     This went on for about twenty minutes before there was a knock on the window of the impala. It was Gabriel his big brother. Cas held up a finger for another second, before pulling away and whispering "we'll continue this later, Dean." Shivers went down my spine as he got off me and left me with a huge erection.

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