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I opened the door and walked into the house. By thee time I turn around to see if he was gone. He was nowhere to be found.I closed the door and ran upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and plopped onto the bed. Something stinks, I smell myself and almost gag. I rush to the shower and wash my hair. After my shower I check if anybody is home.

Nobodys home..yes house to myself. I walk back to my room and empty my bag. I see my letter from Asher University. I smile then I see the drug I stole from Jase. I open in and spill some on my dresser. I sniff a little. I cough. Not so bad. I sniff some more. Maybe I should stop.I try to walk back to my bed I stumble.

Fuck. I hear somebodys keys.

"Dallas your so funny," I hear a girl say. Oh great a one night stand. "Dallas lets go to your room ," she says. I stand up. I need a hit. I sniff some more. I save the rest for later. I turn my music up to try to stop from whats going to happen later. I nod my head to the music and snuggle into the covers.


"CADDIE!,"Dallas says banging on my door. I blink a few times and rush to open the door. "CADDIE!,"

"What?,"I say. He looks at me like Im crazy.

"Why are your eyes red?," I blinked.

"I uh.. slept little late," I say.

"Okay well are you going to school or can I use your car?,"

"What happened to yours?,"

"It broke down,"

"Here," I say giving him the keys.

"Whats that on your dresser,"

"Makeup," I say slamming the door. I look at myself In the mirror. My hair is all over the place. U have bags under my eyes. I get my brush and comb my hair. Hair falls out slowly. I ignore the hair and move on to my makeup. I put makeup on my bags. NOTHING IS WORKING! I throw my brush at my mirror. 

"AHH !,"I yell. I put my hair up and look out the window. Its still night. School at night. Whatever I'll just walk. I put on shoes and grab my phone. I walk outside and walk down the street. I put on my ear phones and blast Coldplay. I don't know what's got into me today?

"Hey!," I hear. I snap around. A guy and a group of his friends. "What's your name?,"

"Staci, "I say.

"Staci wanna come with us to the club?," I look at my outfit.

"Whatever," I say.


The music is blaring and people are dancing with each other. He pulls me onto the dance floor. He moves along to the music. I grind on him and put my arm around his neck. I move along to the music. He soon pulls me into a bathroom. He puts some of the same drug I tried earlier onto the ounter. He sniffs and gestures to me. I sniff and he wipes his nose. I do the same. He hands me his drink. its fizzing.

"What ..what kind of drink is this?,"

"My special," I smells it. Its really strong. He smiles at me. I sip on the drink. I cringe my face.

"That's strong," I say.

"I bet it is," he comes closer to me. He massages my breast,

"What are you doing?," I ask.

"Shh!," he pushes me into a stall. It reminds me of the stall Jase had me in.

"Let me out please," I say. He kisses me roughly and sets me on the top of the toilet.He unbuckles and pants and takes off his clothes. He is naked infornt of me. I see dots everywhere and I space out.

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