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Im back lovelies!

I woke up with a horrible nightmare, I jump up waking Chris. He opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Good morning," he says. His sleepy voice is just remarkable.

"I have to go," I take the cover and my clothes to the bathroom with me. I get dressed and wash up, I add my red lipstick, and walk out in the "new" me.

"Where are you going?," he asks me. I grab my keys and purse. "Im making breakfast!," he yelled as I slammed the door behind me. The sun says a hot hello, I squint my eyes and walk to my car.

"RING RING!," I look at the caller ID. Carson.


"Where the fuck are you!," he yells into the phone.

"Chill out, Im doing something," I say getting into the car.

"Get your ass back quick!,"


"Get come back,"

"I cant," I say.

"Why not?,"

"Im all the way out in a different state," I pull out and start driving.

"Where are you I can fly there,"

"Im-," don't tell him Caddie. "Just know that Im far away from you," he says.

"Caddie your fuckign mother died and your out having a ball!," Carson yelled. I dropped my phone and was completely shocked.


"One ticket to California," I say tired from running into the airport.

"Okay fly or train, "

"Fly duh," she start typing up something as I pull out the money.

"Your flight will be ready in about 10 minutes," I nod and take my ticket. I walk back to the seats and shake my leg. How is Dallas? How did she die? Oh my GOSH!,"

6 hours later

"WHERES DALLAS!," I run into the house. Carson, my grandmother and everybody looks at me. "WHERE IS HE!,"

"In his room," Carson says. I run upstairs and open his door. Dallas is on the bed, with his earphones is. I can see he was crying, he has red puffy eyes. I can hear his loud music all the way from the doorway.

"Dallas?," I walk slowly to his bed.

"What the hell do you want?,"

"I came to check up on you,"

"Now you care," he says with an attitude.

"What are you talking about?," I ask.

"Your the reason mom died! YOU TOOK ALL HER DAMN MONEY! WE COULDNT AFFORD HER MEDICINE ANYMORE CADDIE! Why did you take it!," I start breaking down. "HMM! WAS IT FOR A LAUGH! A KICK!," I drop to my knees.


"Save it! Look at you know your a damn slut!," I cry even harder. "You cant even support yourself. Next time your going to leave, please make your own damn money,"

"Dallas I-, "

"Get out! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!," He yells at me. I look at him shocked from his attitude and what I have caused. "LEAVE WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BE TRAINED OR SOMETHING!," He stands up again. "GO! SHOO!," He starts throwing things and yelling. I walk to my room, I cry and sit on my bed.

6 days later

"My mother was a good woman, she always supported us when we were in need. When we were stuck, she will give us that extra unf to get us going," Dallas said into the mic. I sat there front row, looking at my mother in the casket. I didn't want to cry, not anymore. Everybody is crying but me, I stay looking forward.

"Shes going to be okay," a woman says. "Shes in a better place," I look at her and turned back to the casket.

*2 days later*

I lay in my bed doing nothing, I flip through the same channels. Dallas walks by my room and tries to rush.

"Where are you going?," I ask in a low tone.

"School," he continues walking down the stairs and slams the door. I drag myself to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. My red hair is really ugly, and a mess. I dig through the cabinet and find brunette dye. I begin dying my hair and trying to look back to my normal self.

Carson: how r  u?

I lock my phone and continue turning back to myself, It going to be hard. But I got it. Later that day I went shopping, I have no friends so yeah.

"Caddie?," someone asks. I continue looking at the shirt, then soon look up. "It is you, its me Sarah remember?," she says.

"No," I pick up another shirt and continue to look.

"Its okay, I heard a lot about you,"

"Astonishing," I say continue looking.

"You look lonely,"

"Well Im not," I walk around Forever 21 shoe section, and she follows.

"Are you going back to school?,"

"No," I look at the combat boots.

"You should,"

"Okay thanks Sally," I walk to the cashier.

"Its Sarah!,"

"Who cares," I say.


"Whoa," Dallas says walking into the house.

"Hello what do you want for dinner?," I ask him.

 "Like the new attitude," I smile.

"Don't get used to it," I say getting up from the couch.

"Can you make a cake?,"

"Of course," I messed with his hair, I walked to the kitchen.

"May I help?," I smiled at him and nodded.

Carson: hey

- hey cant talk making a cake

 Carson: cant talk coming over your house

I smile and start getting stiring the mix, Dallas takes his fingers and puts it in my face.

"Oh no you didn't!," I take the spoon and toss it on his new shirt.

"CADDIE!," I try not to laugh. He walks away and comes back with a water gun.

"No no no!," I run away and to his room, I grab the extra water gun and fill it with water. I spray him over and over. I miss these days.


All you hear in the house is light snores. Dallas and I were on the ground asleep in the kitchen, the house was a mess. 

"DING DONG!," I jump up and look at Dallas.

"You get that," Dallas groans. I get up and open the door.

"What the-," Carson says. "Your hair!," he says.

"Thanks," I say walking back to the kitchen.

"RING!," My phone goes off, the caller id. Fawn. I ignored her call, Dallas and Carson looked concerned.

"What  lets eat," Im loving my new self, a lot.

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