Taking One step backwards

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"Are you okay?," Chris asked.He had nothing but his pants on.

"Yeah I'm fine," I lied.

"Come back inside," he says grabbing my hand. I follow him upstairs and into his room. He sits on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands.

"What's wrong?,"

"I did this to you?," I was lost for words."Dammit!," he grabs  a lamp and throws it at the wall. I jump.

"Did what?," I walk over to him .

"Made you lose your dreams and goals," he says.

"N-no Chris this is your fault. Its Jase,"

"YOUR LYING!,"He steps closer to me.

"No Im Im not lying," I stutter.

"Caddie don't lie to me!," she smacked me across my face. I fell to the ground.

"If I tell you did will you stop!," I yell.

"No ... I will leave you homeless," he says.

"I have no chance in winning," I mumble.

"WHAT!,"He says towering over me.

"I said Im not lying," I lie. His nostrils flare up. He balls up his fist."Baby," I said trying to seduce him. I rest my hands on his chest. "You made me feel like a new woman and I thank you for that," I say lowering my hand to his stomach."Babe?,"

He pushes me off of him.


"DONT YELL AT ME!,"He smacks me once more. I sob into my hands. "Im sorry," he says walking to me. He restes his hand onto my leg.

"Don't touch me," I say pulling back.

"Caddie Im sorry. I don't know what got into me," he says. "FINE DONT LISTEN TO ME YOU ONE NIGHT STAND!,"He yells. I try not to cry. He storms out of the apartment. I quickly pack my bags. I get makeup to cover up my hand prints. I take a sniff from the drug. I wipe my nose. I look in his fridge and get some vodka. I drink and drink. I stumble up to the mirror. I look at myself. I get my red lipstick and scribble all over the mirror. I repeat the words chris said as I scribbled.

"One night stand!," I repeat over and over. I walk out of the house with my bags. I walk down the street with my earphone blaring Set Fire to the Rain by Adele. I walked around until I see a sign saying THANKS YOU FOR COMING TO ILLINOIS! I guess this is the end. I turn around to take one last look of everything. I turned around and walked.

Chris POV

I rushed out of the house pissed. She just doesn't get it. I don't want to tell her my past and feelings. She doesn't understand. Maybe we should talk things over.I turn around and rush upstairs. I see my vodka bottle spilled all over the floor. I see cocaine on the table.

"Caddie!," I yell. I rush into the bathroom and I see lipstick all over the mirror. I read the words. One night stand. Fuck. I walk outside and look around for her. Maybe at Fawns I call her.

"Hey!," she says.

"Have you seen Caddie?,"

"No why?,"

"Shit! Call her for me!,"

"Okay stay on the line," she says. I don't reply. RING RING RING. . "Hey Caddie its Fawn where are you?,"

"Who are you with?," she asks. Shit just answer.

"Nobody I just wanna go shopping," she says.

"Sure...Wait wait I don't want to see any of your friends," I say. I stop and turn away walking back to Illinois.

"Okay Okay," She says happy. I hear a male sigh.

"Fawn who are you with!," I yell. She didn't answer. 

"Its just Kevin chill out where are you,"

"Meet me outside of Franks Diner," I say. I walk to Franks Diner and I see the same waitress.

"Hey sweetcakes," she says greeting me in.


"Want anything?,"

"Nope I'm fine," I say. I look out the window to look for Fawns car. I see the car rolling up. "Bye ! I'll be here tomorrow at 3," I saw walking outside. I walk to Fawn's car. I sit there. "Hey Fawn," I say. I look at her.. Im sorry Chris.

"Hi," Hell.  

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