Playing your game

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"Hi," he says. I turn for the door handle. "Please Caddie,"

"Haven't you done enough?," I say. He sped to the desert. "STOP!,"I yell he went faster. "SLOW DOWN!,"I yell. He does a donut. I catch my breath. "What do you want from me!," I yell.


"Then why did you pick me up?,"

"I thought we can work things out?,"

"We are on different pages and I think you should move on,"

"I can't do that,"


"Your addicting," he says touching me.

"Don't touch me," I say.

"Why are you being so stubborn?,"  he asked

"Im being stubborn?," I laugh. He pulls me by my face and kisses me. I pretend to kiss him back. I grab his wallet and slip 300 dollars out of it. I slip in up my sleeve and pull back. "Im sorry I have to go," I say walking out of the car. He licks his lips. I walk to the train station.


"One way to California please,"

"Okay 145," she says. I hand her 200 dollars and wait for my change. "Thanks you the train wil be leaving in 5 minutes," I nod and take a seat.I  pull out my phone.

Me:Carson im on my way to cali happy

Carson: I cld care less

I ignore the text and wait.

"For California now boarding," the intercom said. I stod up and walked onto the train.

Fawn: Its me chris you stole my money you bitch!

Me: too bad :D

I took a seat nearest to the window.  I saw Chris running to the train and then it began moving. I smiled and waved. Revenge is too sweet.

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