Lost Memory

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I woke up and I was sitting on the toilet. What the fuck? I stood up walked out of the stall. I stumble over a girl laying on the ground. She had blonde hair. She was pretty for her type. She slowly woke up.

"Ouch," she says rubbing her head. I look at her like she was crazy. "Oh hey," she says. I ignore her a look into the mirror. I have huge bags under my eyes, my makeup is smeared across my face. My eyes are normal now. My hair is a mess. I get some water from the sink and put some on my hair to lay it down."I said Hi," she says.

"Oh Hi,"

"Do you remember me last night?,"

"No why?," I ask.

"You will watch. I'll have Marcus show you the video,"

"Who is marcus?,"

"That dude you had sex with,"

"I what!,"

"Then he asked me to join," she said. "I had fun,"

"Im sorry I need to go," I rush out of the bathroom.

"Hey wait up!," she says. "Stay for a little while.....we were just going to go to the park to chiil,"

"I'll be there,"

"I never caught your name,"

"Staci," I lied.

"Im Fawn nice to meet you..I think," she giggles. I smile. "Well we will all be at the park," I nod and walk away. I look around I have no idea where I am. I look at the sign.

"WELCOME TO ILLINOIS!,"HOW THE HELL! Im supposed to be in California.

"RING !,"I look at my phone. Unknown caller.


"Caddie where are you?,"

"Who is this?,"

"Its Jase,"

"NEVER CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN!,"I hang up the phone. I walk back into the club I woke up in. I see Fawn with a bunch of guys. I walk over to her. "Uh Hey Fawn can I speak to you real quick?,"

"Sure," She kisses one guy and walks over to me.

"I uh need some clothes..I don't know how I ended up here,"

"Sure here," she hands me a romper.

"Thanks," I see one guy in the corner of my eye staring at me."Do you have any makeup?,"

"I just have foundation,"

"I'll use that," I take the makeup and walk to the bathroom. I walk into a stall and lock it. I change into the clothes she gave me and did my makeup. I come out a feel still dirty.

"Staci come here!" Fawn says. I walk to her and her friends. "Try this," I grab the joint and puff. They all laugh. I smile. "We were just playing Dare or Double Dare,"

"I thought it was Truth or Dare,"

"Too childish," one guys says. He has tattoos all going up and down both arms. He also had a quiff. He was CUTE. I smile.

"Okay Chris dare or double dare?,"

"Double dare,"

"Make out with Staci," Fawn says smiling. He looked at me and smiled. I leaned in and so did he. I kissed his lips. His lips tasted like achohol. He tongue touched my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and so on. "Okay Okay," she says. I pull away. He is shocked. I started blushing. "Weird,"

"Your name is Staci right?,"

"Yeah ...,"

"Come here," He said. There was a girl sitting right next to him.

"Chris Im sitting here," she says.

"Oh yeah ..move," he says. Everybody started laughing. She stormed out of the club. I smiled and sat next to him. He rests his hand on my thigh. I smile.


Carson:Dude where are you ....you have an interview today

Me:Who is this?

Carson:Caddie stop playing come home

Me:Im nowhere near home now leave me alone

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