Chapter 1 When they meet

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Grace pov

I put on my detective clothes on and grabbed my fake badge before zapping myself to the crime seen. I see a cop walk up to me cockily

"Anything you need pretty lady?" He asked

"Ya I'm agent Wilcox FBI. What happened here?" I ask completely ignoring his foolishness. He turned red and embarrassed.

"Uh-h well the body seems to have been stabbed but the corner said that had been there for at least days, and the body died just yesterday." He said bringing me over. I smelled the air. Sulfur. I examined the body completely ignoring the corner who told me not to touch it.

"Agent Wilcox your colleagues are here." The cop who's voice I recognized from before. I looked over confused, I don't have colleagues.

"Agents..." I said waiting for there names. They soon got the hint and said

"I'm Agent Smith, he's... Agent Smith no relation." The shorter one said.

"Agent Wilcox did Davidson send you?" I tested them, this was no job for the FBI so it was either they were demons or hunters. The tall one looked at the short one nervously.

"Yes Davidson sent us to help you with the uh case." The short one said confidently. I nodded.

"Yes well can I have moment with my colleagues?" I asked the cop who left immediately. I took out a flask of holy wAter if the were demons they wouldn't expose themselves immediately. I through some on both of them. They were shocked and wiped there faces off.

"I assume you too are hunters?" I asked smirking.

"How did you know?" The tall one asked.

"There is no Davidson I made that up." I said going back to the body.

"Does that mean uh your a hunter too?" The short one said. I nodded.

"Well then let's work together." He said clapping his hands together.

"Ok let's but I need to go back to my place and get out of these stuffy clothes." I said realizing that I didn't have a vehicle because I zapped here.

"We can take you there if you want," the tall one said.

"That would be helpful considering I don't have a car." I said laughing a bit.

"How did you get here then?" The short one said. I had to think quick.

"One night stands with cops can be useful." I said regretting it immediately. Out of all statements.

"Oh.. Well I'm Dean Winchester and that's my brother Sammy." He said.

"Sam Winchester nice to meet you." He said rolling his eyes at Dean.

"Grace Parker." I said.

"How did you catch wind of the case?" Dean asked

"I was already in the arena and heard it was freaky so I jumped on it." I said which was true. After I gave them directions to the motel I let them in.

"I'll be done in a sec." I said grabbing a random t-shirt and skinny jeans. I had to keep up with modern clothing since I had been down on earth for most of my life.

After I changed I was wearing a pink Floyd shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. I grabbed my black leather jacket which was similar to Deans.

"Ok. So here's everything I have on the case so far. I've been tracking this demon who seems to keep jumping from state to state. But after every state he comes back here in this particular area. So I've comeback here for the 100th time and going to check it out. But then he left again." I said explaining. Sam looked through it all and looked at Dean surprised.

"I only know one person who could track a demon like this and he's not around anymore." He said looking at me. I was confused.

"Wanna elaborate?" I said.

"Our dad he uh he could track like this and uh it just surprises me someone else could too." He said. I nodded my head. Dean got up and looked in the mini fridge.

"No food? No beer? What is this all work no play. Your like Sammy on steroids." Dean said. I forgot I don't eat because I never needed to.

"Well uh I usually go out and eat I don't keep anything here." I said convincingly.

"I know a banging burger joint like a mile from here let's all go there." He said I nodded nervously.

"I'm down let's go" Sam said bringing the files with us. We got in the car and drove off. I debated in my head if it was a good idea and just thought oh well.

Once we got to the restaurant i stepped out and watched people go in and out. I followed Sam and Dean quietly.

"So Grace how did you get into hunting?" Dean asked as we sat down in a booth.

"Well uh.." I thought do I really want to tell them?

"I was with my family for a long long time and I did something bad and they kicked me out so I just kept doing it. Kicking ass and taking names." I said trying that reference. Dean chuckled and Sam smiled a bit.

"Well we have been doing this our whole lives I guess you could say." Sam said looking through the files once more. Soon the waitress came.

"You ready to order?"  she asked us
I didn't even look at the menu she gave us I looked quickly while Dean and Sam ordered.

"For you miss?" She said.

"I'll have a...cheeseburger and fries with water." I said. What the hell is a cheeseburger?" I thought I was caught up with modern times but never went to restaurants.

"Grace I was thinking." Sam said.

"Don't hurt yourself Sammy." Dean interrupted. Sam glared.

"I was thinking you should hunt with us." Sam said. I was surprised by his sudden suggestion.

"I'm sorry?" I asked.

"You should hunt with me and Dean we obviously need someone like you to hunt with because I'm the only one who research and I could use a helping hand?" He asked. I thought about it. Hunting on my own these past years have been.... Lonely.

"Sure. What could possibly go wrong?"

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