Chapter 3: We got that evil son of a Bitch

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Grace pov

As I laid on the bed 'asleep' I heard the door of the motel open. I peeked my eyes open a bit to see Dean coming in.

"Where were you?" I ask my voice deeper than normal. I sat up and stared at Dean.

"I uh I couldn't sleep so I just drove." He said lowly so he wouldn't wake Sam.

"Sam got us a case by the way, demonic activity outside of Colorado, we could go check it out in the morning?" I suggested. As an idea to get his mind off of whatever he was thinking of.

"Sounds good, you should try and go back to sleep Grace you'll need your strength for the case then," he said.

"You should take your own advice hotshot." I said smiling at him. He kissed my cheek and laid down on the bed and I got in mine.

Hours later it was finally morning and I was the first to get up as usual and I made coffee. Sam was the next to get up and his hair was all over the place.

"Just give me five minutes and some clippers.." I started.

"Shut up." He said cutting me off and I handed him a cup of coffee.

"We have a case and a long car ride ahead of us so shall I wake Dean or you?" I said looking at Dean sleeping peacefully.

"You do it, last I got punched." Sam said walking towards the bathroom to clean himself up. I smirked and went over to Dean grabbing some pillows in the process. I stood at the edge of his bed and threw a pillow at him. I got yes reaction so I threw another. He moved a bit this time. I threw the last one and hit Dean in the head. I stifled a laugh. Dean shot up and saw me. My laughter stopped and he got up grumpily.

"We have a case! So get cleaned up and let's get to it!" I said loudly making Dean cringe at the shouting.

Dean glared at me and I just smiled in return as Sam walked out of the bathroom.

"You look like crap.." He said to Dean.

"Shut up... Bitch." He said

"Jerk." It went on for sometime before we packed up our stuff and got in baby and drove off to the sunny state of Colorado.

Sitting on a car for hours may seem boring.

But when we finally got there Dean jumped out of the car and ran toward the bathroom. Sam looked at him crazily and I laughed at the way he looked like a penguin trying to run.

"I'll get us a room. You think you could go get us some food?" Sam asks me.

"Ya sure I think a saw a burger place a few miles back." I said and took the keys and got back in the car. I drove to the joint.

When I got there I felt something off. But I brushed it off and went inside. The feeling came back and I looked around. Then I heard my name.

"Hello Grace." A little girls voice said. I turned around and saw Lilith.

"Lilith your lucky I don't kill you now." I said griping my angel blade inside my jacket.

"Ah ah ah now if you attack me I send my hell hounds and make Dean's time go a little faster." She said smirking. I glared at her as she motioned me to a table. We sat on either sides.

"Have you told them your a feather Angel?" She asked.

"No it doesn't matter. We are just here to kill you." I said cold.

"Ok well let's make a deal you tell them your an angel and I don't send my hounds... Yet" she said.

"No because you'll just send them after I tell. And remember I'm the one with more power here Lilith. I can incinerate you." I growled. I surprised my self by my tone but didn't let it show. Lilith smiled.

"I don't like your tone so I'm gonna send my hounds now and dont even think about stopping me because I WILL end you and send you back were you belong." She said and then was gone. I zapped my self in the car and drove as fast as possible be fore stopping and heading to the motel door. I banged on it hard and Sam opened the door confused.

"Where's the food?" He asked and I pushed through him looking for dean.

"Where's Dean?" I asked.

"Taking a shower is everything alright?" He asked concerned.

"It's Lilith I saw her at the burger place she talked to me, she said she was gonna take deans soul early." I said conveniently. Soon when Dean came out of the shower we told him the news. He looked panicked.

"Well what are we go- did you hear that?" He said. Looking around. I didn't hear anything.

The dogs.

"There coming we need to get you in some salt." I said grabbing salt and making a giant circle. Dead sat there afraid and I pulled him into it. But it was too late the hounds had gotten Dean by the leg.

"NO! Dean!" I yelled and Sam swung bellow him by Dean throng to hit the hounds. Dean was ripped from my grip and on the floor blood covering his chest. I jumped on the invisible hound and pulled him off. But by then Dean was gone.

Dean laid on the floor lifeless and I felt tears fall.

"No no no no no..." I said. Sam stared in shock.

"Sam we have to do something a spell a a ritual a something call Bobby. Do something." I said and Sam grabbed me pulling me off of Dean. With blood on my hands and shirt.

We cried in each others arms. For what seemed like forever.

"We will get him back. I promise you Grace. We will get him back."  

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