Chapter 5 : Castiel?

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Graces pov

It's been a few days since I left the boys and I'm sitting in a bar. The last place I would be. I don't know why I'm sitting here. Maybe it's because I miss them. The angel is still with them. I just wish I knew who it was.

The bar was about empty when the door dinged open. I didn't look at who it was and just sat there.

"Grace?" It was Dean. My head shot up and I turned around. Yep Dean and Sam.

"Hey guys....." I said. Looking at the bags at my feet.

"What are you guys doing here?" I Asked.

"Grace Parker don't ever leave like that again you understand me." Sam pointed at me all father like.

"I left because you idiots didn't listen to me. You found a man good for you now what are you going to do with him do you even know what he is?" I asked them.

"He's an angel." Dean whispered. I nodded. Then making it seem like a shock.

"An angel? You found an angel?" I asked them. They nodded.

"Come back Grace. We need you." Sam said. I thought about it. I am miserable without them and who cares about who finds me. I can handle myself. I think.

"But keep that angel guy away from me." I said walking to the impala. They looked at each other and went to the impala.

We got in the car and drove to the motel they were staying at.

"Wait Grace before you go in the room. Don't be mad.." Sam said blocking me from the door.

"Why would I be mad" I asked confused.

"He's uhh in there."Sam said. Anger coursed through my veins.

"He's in there! After I left and everything you still don't listen to me! He could be dangerous and your staging him around like a fucking puppy!" I yelled. I stepped back. Sam unlocked the door and went inside with Dean and I followed them slowly. Holding on to the angel blade inside my jacket. I looked The man whose back was turned watching tv.

He turned around at the sound of the door and saw me.


The man who broke my heart. Betrayed me.
Who I still love.
The one who left me to die.

"Castiel." I said. He stood up shocked.

"Nanael.." He said. Sam and Dean looked at each other confused.

"Whose Nanael?" Dean asked looking between us.

"My name is Grace Castiel." I said and I grabbed my blade again.

"You too know each other?" Sam said.

"What kind of name is Nanael?" Dean asked.

"An angel name." Castiel said not taking his eyes off of me. Instead he came towards me. I pulled out the blade. Sam and Dean looked at the blade in shock and at me. Castiel stopped moving.

"Nanael-" Castiel started

"My name is Grace! Don't you dare come near me or I will kill you." I threatened. But in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't. Sam pulled my away from him and Dean went into the other room with Castiel.

"Grace what is going on? Who's Nanael and what is that?" He asked. I felt tears in my eyes.

"Castiel.." I said

"Is the man that I love. The man who betrayed me. And I am an angel wit ha blade that can kill Angels." I confessed.

"Nanael is my real name." I said. Sam let go of me. I knew it.

"I knew if I told you guys you would try to kill me. So I left but you found me again and I didn't want to run away" I said.

"Cas is the one you told me about." He said and I nodded.

"But if your an angel couldn't you have gotten my brother out of hell?" He asked upset.

"No I couldn't have the magic I have left in me wasn't enough to make a trip to hell and back. I didn't even know it was possible until Dean came back. If I could have and knew it could have been done we wouldn't be on this situation right now." I said.

"Grace or Nanael what ever you like to be called you have known us for at least a year now. How could you think we could kill you. Your like the sister we never had. Even if you are an angel." He said giving me a hug. The last thing I expected.

"Can the comeback?" He asked. I nodded and sat at the edge of the room in a chair with Sams research. Dean and Castiel came back and Dean looked at me in disgust. Castiel looked guilt as ever. I don't know why he would be.

"So your an angel? Couldn't you I don't know gotten me out of hell yourself?!" He yelled. I flinched.

"If knew it was possible ya I would've Dean! If I had enough magic in me I would've Dean! But you yelling at me for things I didn't know were possible  isn't going to change the fact your back or change what I knew back then!" I yelled back at him. Dean instantly looked guilty for telling and Castiel.. I don't even know what to do about him.

"I'm sorry Grace I just, I don't know what to do. My sister is a creaking angel. I was pulled out hell by an angel." He hugged me and I was touched he still called me his sister. Sam looked at Castiel angrily.

"How do you guys know each other?" Dean asked. I tensed up. As did Castiel. Sam glared at him.

"Castiel used to be with Grace." Sam said. Dean looked at the two of us.

"Really? He's all robotic and your bad ass." He said.

"Ya well a couple hundred years on earth does that to a person." I said staring at Castiel.

"Oh?" He said.

"Nanael.. I can explain.." He said.

"Explain what Castiel? How you banish some one you love on Earth for the rest of there life. You how long it took me to find a vessel? How you tell the person who loves you that your nothing, a distraction of emotions?" I said looking at him.

"Ya Castiel what is there to explain?" I asked again. He zapped away.

"Vessel? As in possession?" Dean asked wearily.

"Yes but I looked for my vessel. I looked for someone who didn't have a family. Who had nothing to live for. The girl I'm possessing she wanted to die. She lost her family and she was gonna kill herself. But I told her to let me help her. And I have." I said.

"What was her name?" Sam asked.

"Grace Parker. I took her name I liked it so I kept her name. She's probably 600 maybe 700 hundred years old now I'm not really counting." I said there jaw dropped.

"700 years you've been here by yourself? How did you do it." Dean said.

"I just wanted to show them my family I could live it without them. Without Castiel." I said. I wiped my tears.

"Grace Im so sorry." They said.

"I don't want pity. Believe me. I'm ok now it's just he's back and I still love him. How do you still love someone who sent you away?" I say whispered

"Because it's love and it sucks. You guys are probably soulmate sir something like that." Dean said joking. I chuckled

"Well I think you should let him tell you his side. Why he did what he? Maybe ha has a reason." Sam said.

Maybe he has a reason for being a dick?

The would may never know

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