Chapter 2 : Fun and Games

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Grace pov

Its been a couple months since I've met Sam and Dean and I have to say, those boys are my family. Im like the little sister they never had.... or wanted Dean said one day when I stole his pie. He makes me laugh and I love him like a brother. Now Sam on the other hand is the brother I've always wanted. He was the one that was there through the cries, the sit and just talks and the 'chick flick moments' as Dean put it. I love them both so much and I tell them every day.

Even though I have been on Earth for a long long time I still get confused with my emotions, wether I should be able to have them. Like I feel sadness, hurt, loneliness, happiness, disgusting molecules when i have to make it seem like I'm hungry. I want to tell them I'm not human, that I'm an angel possessing some poor girl who didn't want to live. I feel guilt most of all. I put on a smile and laugh to everything, but inside I'm..... I'm falling apart.

"You ok Grace?" Sam asked as I sat there staring into space. I look over and nod.

"You've been acting weird lately, is something wrong? You can tell us." Dean said eating his cheeseburger with extra extra extra onions. I could smell his inion breath already from across the room.

"Besides your onion breath no I'm fabulous." I say laughing. There it is again me putting on a smile and going along with it. I wouldn't exactly say I'm depressed, just alone..

"Haha your hilarious I was trying to be uhh um whats the word?" He thought to himself.

"Nice?" Sam asked.

"Ah! that's it nice, I couldn't think of the word." He shot back at me. I stuck out my tongue at him childishly.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love you?" I said staring into the ceiling from the couch.

"All the time." They said together.

"You remind us at least twice every day." Sam said looking through the news paper. I smile to myself. A real one this time.

"Hey guys I need to go, something came up I'll be back soon." Dean said grabbing his jacket and left without another word. That was weird

"Have you noticed he's been doing that for a while. Ever since I had that accident." Sam said looking up at me. He means the one where he died when he was killed and Dean made me promise not say a word. He means when Dean sold his sole to bring him back. Which is what he means by Dean is acting weird.

"Isn't he always sneaky and suspicious?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"I guess but its something different this time I know it." Sam said bringing it back. I got off the couch and looked at Sam.

"Sam, if there is one thing I have learned over the months of staying with you and Dean it is that he is one sneaky son of a bitch, and he always takes care of himself and you. He wouldn't lie to you, now that you have killed my vibe we are gonna go to a bar or something." I said pulling him out of his chair and taking my jacket before leaving.

Once we were outside we realized Dean took the car.

"Damnit," I muttered.

"Lets walk clear our heads or something like that." Sam said slinging his arm around my shoulder. I giggled and we walked in silence, it wasn't awkward, it was peaceful. It was nice.

Soon we got there and went up to the front.

"Two of the strongest things you've got." I said to the bartender. Sam looked at me like I was crazy. After another 2 or 3 or maybe 6 we were hammered to the nail.

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