Chapter 4 : Is that a hand print?

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Grace pov

Grace watched as Sam moped around. It was like watching a lost puppy look for its mother, but knowing she wouldn't come back.

He has been like this for days, months more like it. We've done a few jobs then and there but it wasn't the same. Finally I got up and stopped him from grabbing another bottle of alcohol.

"Sam... Please stop drinking. I found us another case." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Grace I can't hunt anymore. I can't live like this. I can't be without him like this! I can't! I-I c-can't!" He said breaking down into sobs. He leaned into my shoulder and cried. This was him grieving. I thought. I comforted him to the best of my ability.

"It's ok Sammy.. It's gonna be ok." I whispered.

It's been almost 7 months and Sam has gotten a little better. He doesn't mope but he still drinks and breaks down when he thinks I'm not paying attention to him. But I am, I'm worried sick about him.

We were sitting In a motel in Helen, Georgia when I here the door bell ring. Sam didn't move so I got up to get it. I sighed and opened the door.

"Holy shit." Were the two words that came out of my mouth. In front of me a dirty Dean Winchester heaving looking like he was gonna pass out.

"Gracie it's me." He said smiling buying through holy water at him just in case and he pulled out a silver knife he had and cut himself. Clean.

"Whose at the door Grace?" Sam said getting up wondering what was taking so long. He looked over my shoulder and saw him. I moved out of the way and Dean hugged his brother tightly. Sam cried as he held on to Dean and I pushed them inside so I could shut the door.

"How are you back?" Sam asked wiping his tears.

"I-I don't know. The first thing I remember is waking up in a coffin trying to claw my way out. But I noticed this." He said pulling up his shirt sleeve and it was a giant red hand print.

"Is that a hand print?" Sam asked looking side ways. I say there frozen. Not knowing what to do. Only one creature can do that and that's an angel. They'll find me.

"Are you guys hungry? I'm starved. I'll grab us some food. And our lots of it. Love you" I said grabbing the impala keys without hearing their response. I quickly drove off.

Freaking out I pulled up into the gas station.

"Oh shit. Shit shit shit. It's over I have to leave. God damnit!" I yelled hitting the wheel. I calmed myself and went inside grabbing lots of the pie.

When I left I felt tears prick my eyes. I love those boys so much now having to leave them just.. I don't have words to describe. I pulled up to the drive way and parked. I didn't get out immediately. I looked in the rearview mirror and cleaned up my tear stained face. Make look not as noticeable.

I opened the door with pies in each hand. Dean on my bed watching tv and Sam looking for cases.

"Pie anyone." Dean turned his head immediately and got off the bed taking an entire bag. He sat there like a girl legs curled up and food surrounding him.

I set the other bag by Sam and sat next to him.

"You think he's alright?" I asked Sam with a lowered voice.

"I don't know honestly. But we need to track down whatever pulled him out." Sam said looking through the pages. I gulped

"I don't think we should." I said lower but Sam caught it and turned to look at me this time.

"What? Why not?" He asked.

"Well first what has enough power to pull a person from hell. Whole person from the pit. And you see that handprint what gigantic all powerful being can do that. This is beyond us. I don't want you or dean to get hurt because you need to find why and how. Why can't you just accept it, thank it, pray to it whatever you want. But it may not be the best idea to look for trouble." I finished my voice raised a little louder. Sam was shocked and Dean looked over listening in. Sam was in thought.

"Grace this seems to hit something in you. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Sam said. This was it my time to say ya I'm a friggen Angel.

"No I just mean why go looking for something that helped us? Why can't we just be thankful and enjoy it?" I asked. Sam once again thought about it and looked at Dean who had turned back to the tv.

"Alright I'll stop looking for it." He said and I smiled happily I didn't have to leave now.

But little did I know that was the opposite of what they had done.
(Sorry more time skip) it been weeks since that conversation and everything seemed just about normal. Working a case here and there. But now we have a demon blade and a few more new toys. Dean was looking around in the barn. While we searched the house. But then we saw a bright light come from the inside.

"Oh no." I said and I grabbed Sam and pulled him outside. He went inside the barn.

"I told you too idiots not to look for this damn thing and be grateful. What do I get for that disre-fucking-spect" I yelled at them as the white like died down and there stood a man. No no no. I quickly left the barn and zapped back to the motel. I grabbed my things together and looked at the motel once more and zapped away.

3rd person pov

Dean and Sam sat shocked at Grace's outburst. But the man in front of us looked up and walked toward us. Dean threw many things at it even the demon knife but it did nothing. Sam looked at the man shocked and didn't know what to do. Between Graces outburst and the seemingly invincible man he didn't know what to think or do. The man stopped in front of them.

"My name is Castiel I'm an angel of the lord." He said monotone. As it had been said million times.

"An angel.." Dean said.

"A fricken angel saved my ass from the pit?! I'm not even religious!" He said to Sam. Who Was fascinated.

"I am an angel." He said

"Grace was right we shouldn't have been digging in things we didn't know anything about. What do we do now Dean?" He said.

"Uh well um I-i don't know. Well Cas can I call you Cas? Would you like to i don't know tell us why you saved me from hell?" He asked.

"You have an important role you need to fulfill and your death cannot happen." He said again with that robot voice. Sam gathered there things and put them in the car wondering were Grace had gone.

"Hey Dean have you seen Grace she's gone." Sam said worried.
Dean looked around out side nervous as well.

Castiel followed them as they left the barn.

"The female you are looking for is no longer here she left when I appeared. " he said and Sam and Dean got in the car. Castiel zapped into the back seat of there car and drove off looking for Grace.

Angels (Supernatural fanfic / Castiel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz