Looks can be deceiving

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(thanks for your support Darkrai)

After all the excitement, I had fallen asleep for 30 minutes. And woke up when I heard Blitzwing talking to someone, the only thing that confused me was that he was still in the air, and I was the only one with him. I opened my eyes and yawned,"Jez, Lord Megatron." Blitzwing said before going silent, for a minute,"Vell Zhis human iz quite...powerful." Blitzwing said to this Megatron guy."Jez, Lord Megatron." Blitzwing said again before going silent.

"who was that?" I asked Blitzwing blinking away a yawn." Zhat vas Lord Megatron, leader of all Decepticons." Blitzwing said flying into a mining tunnel.

My eyes widen abit," wait a minute...your one of the Decepticons?" I asked remembering the attack in the city." Jez." Blitzwing responded to my question. I was about to say something else but before I could, Blitzwing suddenly transformed into robot form. Catching me in midair, and held me in his giant metal hand, Landing infront of someone.

Blitzwing stood before Megatron, placing me on his shoulder plate, another robot(Starscream) was standing next to Megatron, who turned around to face Blitzwing and I."another huma-" I cut the one robot standing next to Megatron off."Nope... I was a human. Until this scientist turned me into a mutant. So technically I'm a mutant." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"So this is the 'powerful human'? She looks like a normal weak Human sparkling." The robot(Starscream) said in disbelief. Blitzwing knew what was going to happen next so he picked me up off his shoulder plates and put me down with care.

I saw Megatron smirk,"then perhaps you will be the one to test the femme Starscream." Megatron replied turning to Starscream."see if you can kill the femme before she even moves and I'll 'treat' you to some high grade." Megatron said to Starscream who gladly walked infront of Megatron." My pleasure oh my great and mighty leader." Starscream said powering up his blasters."prepare to die, human." Starscream said smirking.

As soon as he blasted at me I disappeared...

"Hahahaha! I knew it was just another normal human." Starscream said to over confident that he had demolished me, I appeared on his shoulder plates when he was distracted. I fake yawned and stayed silent as Megaton spoke up."then what do you call that Starscream?" Megaton asked looking to Me on Starscream's shoulder plates.

Starscream was confused but he looked to me on his left shoulder plate."Boo!" I said in a calm tone. Making him yell in surprise," WHAT IN THE NAME OF CYBERTRON?!?!?" Starscream screeched attracting attention of professer Symdaic and the rest of the Decepticons, watching as Starscream swatted at me, I disappeared again, and this time appeared infront of him shifting into a dragon, and tackled him knocking Starscream off his peds."impossible! Your dead!" Starscream said completely in shock.

"Well then... You must be having a nightmare, a ghost, or perhaps your seeing the truth and you just don't want to admit it. Looks like you learned something new Screamer, I maybe small and normal... But know this....Looks can be deceiving." I said back growling at him.

"Bone is it? Leave Starscream to me for now. Bone are dismissed, you have proved that yourself worthy to stay." Megaton spoke up. I got off of Starscream and with out a word walked back over to Blitzwing, shifting into a bird woman and flew up onto his Shoulder plates and looked at everyone."take a picture it will last longer." I said crossing my arms.

"Blitzwing. Make our new guest comfortable, I'll deal with Starscream's idiotic disagreement and actions." Megaton said dismissing me and Blitzwing."everyone else return to what ever you were doing." Megaton said looking at everyone who immediately went back to their own things.

(To be continued...)

TFA) Love of a Shifter and Triple-Changer DecepticonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz