The ways of an Animal and Human, leads to German insults

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After We both had stopped laughing, I rolled over on my stomach and slid across the ice before getting a my face got covered in snow. Only because, I wasn't paying any attention to the small snow hill that I was sliding to, once I was able to stand on and ate my field mouse that I hunted down.

(Random) switched to (Icy) who me up by the back of my shirt,and put me on his shoulder plates, gently rubbing my head with his finger. I flattened my ears on my head, giggling. (Icy) chuckled softly, looking at me as he watched my reaction.

Once (Icy) stopped he pulled his finger away, and began to walk around for a bit."Vat vas zat?" (Icy) asked."what was what? Do I have something on my face?" I asked wipping my face to make sure.

"No. Vat vere jou eating?" (Icy) asked stopping in his tracks, watching another fox in the distances and watched it do the same thing I did. Except this one jumped farther then I did, before plummeting almost its whole body muzzle first into the snow."oh Slag. Not ag-." (Icy) was interrupted by his (Icy) personality being switched to (Random) who was now laughing his ass off.

I shook my head smiling watching the other fox from a distance, until I finally gave up. After (Random was done Laughing his way to the moon, his personality switched to (Icy)."Jou-" I cut (Icy) off.

"Did you just call me a Jew?"(Icy) looked at me confused." What is a 'Jew'?" (Icy) asked. Now it was my turn to laugh," N-Nevermind." I studdered while laughing."anyway what were you going to ask?"

"...Jou and zhe animals are quite ...Interesting. But veird in a vay." (Icy) said picking me up by the nip of my shirt."What was your first clue?" I asked with a mischievous smile.(Icy) put his hand in his chin,"Zhe vay I studied  jou humans on a lab table."

"... Your shitting me right?" I asked with eyes as big as saucers."No." (Icy) said smirking at me." That better not be what'd going to happen to me or I'm going to make Megatron kiss his ass good bye, before I kick his Aft like a Foot/ ass/ Ball." I said.

(Icy) held his smirked," and zhe vay jou humans describe things as Vell." (Icy) teased, bringing me to eye level.

"OH FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!!!I AM NOT A HUMAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!" I yelled causing some birds to fly away."Do jou feel better now?" (Icy) asked.

I flicked him the bird twice, 🖕🖕.
And cussed him out in German."VATCH JOUR MOUTH FLESHY!!!" (Hothead) yelled."Bumsen Sie Sie ass munch!(Fuck you ass munch!)"I insulted.

"Bumsen Sie Sie zu zickig Menschen! (Fuck you too bitchy Human!)"(Hothead) insulted back.
"I.Am.Not.A.Fucking.Human!" I snarled.

(I had fun writing this one😂)

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