Chapter 3- Family Bloodline

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Chapter 3


I really hate my life right now; I had to figure out the biggest thing in my life that’s been kept from me

‘Dad tell me. Don’t bullshit me either.’ I said glaring at him

‘First of all you must understand that it may change things’ he said trying to plead

‘Tell me or I’m leaving’ I threatened

‘Alright but don’t interrupt.’ He said

‘In my native heritage bloodline when it’s the right time an animal spirit will enter your body, and you will be able to change into that animal. Each family will be focused on one animal usually. The spirits that run in our line are coyotes, foxes, lynx, puma, and wolves. There has only been 5 out of our tribe that change into 2 animals. The puma and lynx are the rare ones in the line, the wolf, and coyote is the most common. There has been one couple that changed into a wolf and puma.

‘My animal is a coyote. Our tribe protects the area we live in, I left when I met your mother and decided to move to BC then we had you. You started to get into the mixed martial arts fighting, I’ve noticed you getting on the verge of the change but it always stopped mid start. I don’t know why but when someone is first starting out in there animal they have to be changed into it many times for a month to get used to there new skin and be able to control it. When you change you have to be surrounded by nature and fire. Now with an imprint our kind is like any other in all tribes but we can channel them through our mind then you can have private conversations, apart from the other tribal members.’

He finished and took a breathe for a few seconds

‘I can smell imprint all over you sweetie. Who took you without permission’ he asked smelling the air more

‘Jacob Black’ I spoke ‘How did he take me’ I asked confused

‘Honey you must understand that when an imprint occurs on us and we are not changed into our animal the imprinter must asked the father permission, then must accept a battle for the right over you’ he spoke walking to the door

‘Dad what if he doesn’t accept’ I asked

‘Then I have the right to freely kill him so I can remove the imprint’ he said sadly

‘I’ll tell him’ I said running out the door down to his house.

I knocked on his door a few times, the door opened and Billy was on the other side

‘Hello Kora, Jake is out on patrol. I know you know he is a wolf and all I ask is you do not hurt him like Bella’ he said with seriousness.

‘Thanks Billy umm….let him know I have to talk to him’ I said running off

I ran into the woods and found myself running onto the beach. I was thinking about how are minds are connected to one another. I started thinking about Jake and what he looks like, I started mentally stretching my mind out and I just kept calling his name.

Jacob’s POV


I was on patrol with Paul and Leah thinking about Kora I finally imprinted and she was completely amazing

‘Jake…Jake…Jake’ I kept hearing my name and it seriously sounded like Kora

‘Kora how are you speaking to me’ I waited for her response

‘If you hear me… at my room…hurry’ and then there was nothing

I started running towards her house following her smell. I arrived at the edge of the woods. I looked around and found a panting Kora. I walked over to her slowly. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes

‘Jake you came…you’re so beautiful’ she said petting my fur.

‘Come to my room we have to talk’ she said walking away so I could get clothes on.

Kora POV


I walked away from Jacob who was a huge ass wolf but beautiful nonetheless. I walked through the front door to find my dad sitting in the dining room which was his current office right now till the office room gets finished being redone.

‘I smell Jacob, tell him to speak to me when you see him’ he said

I’ve never seen him be so strict with me like this, it kinda scared me. I walked in to my room to find a topless Jacob.

I walked over to him and stared at him

‘What did you need me here for’ he asked worried

‘It’s about the imprint’ I said nervous

‘What about it…’ he said confused

‘You have to talk to my dad about this one’ I said pushing him down the hall way.

My dad looked at him with a cold face

‘Hello, so you are the one the broke my peoples tribal rule’ he said smirking

A/N So what do you think will happen with Jacob and Kora’s dad. Hope you loved this chapter!!





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