Chapter 24- Pain and Tears

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Chapter 24


I’ve been lonely for what feels like eternity and a half; I couldn’t give myself a place of happiness, Luke didn’t come back, Heather didn’t come back, no memories of home either, just blackness.

I wanted to die already but is this what death feels like, pain and tears? I keep feeling myself slipping away from everything; I didn’t want to go back but at the same time I did I didn’t want to be lonely anymore.

At this moment I’m thinking about songs that could describe Jacob and me together, than me and Luke together. A Thousand Years, All Yours, It Will Rain, I Won’t Let You Go, Heaven’s Gonna Wait, Breathe Into Me, and other songs. But it only made me cry more I didn’t think I could cry like this and tears falling more and more.

For a fact I know I’m rambling but I just can’t help it I want to leave this black hell. That Luna chick didn’t come back which I kind of missed but whatever. I started singing aimlessly to myself and the odd thing was my voice echoed

Always walking straight home

Like the other good girls do

Careful what you wish for 

It could never be like you

It's not the right thing baby 

Bu t the right thing suits so few

Let's take the other road baby 

Cause it looks so good on you

So hold on tight, 

It's gonna be a wild wild ride

And tonight, you won't need your wings to fly

Cause angels got a lot to lose

I slowly stopped singing than realized what I wanted; I wanted home with my dad, best friend, the Cullen’s, Sam, and most of all Jacob I could never stop loving him because if I did I don’t know what I would do.



It’s been 3 days; Jacob was back but Kora wasn’t. I’ve been keeping a weathered eye on her mind, Heather was doing the same. We figured out what Heather could do with her powers she could enter dreams when she wanted to but the thing is she passes out till she comes out of it. Also she could touch a human when there sleeping and see there dreams; and let’s not forget she can put herself to sleep and dream what she wants.

I really believe she has a special gift it’s very different than anything I’ve encountered. I found out she’s repulsed by human blood but craves animal which is extremely different from anything we’ve seen.

Jacob has been worried sick sitting with Kora since he got back and not leaving her side day and night. He hasn’t slept and if he does he wakes himself up; we’ve been trying to get him to sleep but we can’t. I just thought of something also what if Heather can put people to sleep? That would be even more amazing.

I went down to the dinning room and found Heather and Alice talking together about latest fashions

‘Heather could I ask a favor of you?’ I asked coming up beside her

‘I’m guessing you want me to put Jacob to sleep right?’ she asked smiling mockingly at me

‘Could you try?’ I asked her ‘He needs rest’ I finished

‘The thing isCarlisleasked me to try that’ she said

‘Result?’ I asked

‘I can put vampires to sleep but I don’t know about werewolves’ she said unsure about the last part ‘but I’ll try’ she finished getting up and moving to Kora’s room.

Alice and I followed Heather to Kora’s room to find Jacob whimpering but when he seen us he was trying to stop. Without question Heather walked up to Jacob and touch his eyes; he passed out instantly

‘It worked’ she said simply and left the room. I did the same and went outside for some air.

If you’re wondering about Monti he’s still here but he took his grandparents back to the airport. Kora’s dad knows about her condition but all he has said is he can’t leave but after 2 weeks he can. It sickens me that he doesn’t care but I can’t judge him I don’t know him all that well.

His grandparents have been very helpful; they got their goddess to enter Kora’s world to convince her to leave and come back to our world which I thanked them for. I know she’s contemplating coming back but she doesn’t know how but if she just recalls what Luna said than she will know.

Embry hasn’t come back since he found Heather turning into a vampire which I know is hurting Heather but she doesn’t show it like others. Jacob has called Embry to tell him Heather is fine and he could see her but he won’t believe him which makes me angry. Than again there dogs, mutts, they don’t know how to think right.

I started hearing yelling and screaming from upstairs. I ran up the stairs and found Kora convolving and Jacob screaming atCarlisleto help her.

I read her mind and all I could see is Kora and a door.

‘Help her what’s happening?!’ Jacob screamed trying to keep Kora’s flinching body still

‘She’s coming back now Jacob’ I said and he just looked at me like I was crazy.

A/N hey people so glad you love this story but you should like my Facebook page vboudreau. Look it up! You can get updates from there J

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