Chapter 11

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I shed one tear, and then start bawling, he just told me he loved me and he turns around and kisses Aurial. "You liar" i screech. He turns to me, and Aurial pulls him back. He backs away, and jogs to my side. I ditch him and start running, where ever i can go.

I bust through doors, and outside. "BROOKE" yells Nick. I don't answer him, and i just continue to bawl my eyes out.

"You Scum Bag, you told me you loved me and this is what you do to me, what are you a twin to Brandon" i scream.

"Brooke she kissed me" he yells, while running to my side. "Yah excuses excuses now get away from me" i say. "No Brooke come here" he says choking up. "No get away now" i yell backing away from him.

"Brooke your acting like your scared" he says. "Just get away" i scream. "You just don't understand my heart is not o thing suppose to be played with" i yell.

I slide down the wall, and cover my face with my hands.

After a little more crying, i pick my head up to find Nick walking down the street.

He kicks the trash can, and then screams "BROOKE IT WAS A MISTAKE".


"Yah know what it was brooke, cause you always put me second and brandon first" he yells. He walks towards me, and sits next to me.

"Im sorry" he says. "Just save it" i say wiping off the las tear, and getting off the cold sidewalk.

"Brooke, please" he says. "Just stop" i say turning and walking away. He grabs my shoulder and looks in my eyes. "It was a mistake" he says choking up. "No it wasn't i know i will always be the third wheel" i say. "No you aren't" he says. "Yes i am, save it" i say walking in the doors. "Don't talk to me, don't look at me. Just leave me alone" i say. "Brooke" he says. "Just leave me alone" i say, walking back stage, and sitting in the corner. "Brooke " he says once again. "Just nick go" i say. I pull my knees to my chest and cry my eyes out, then they call the awards us first, trio first, and solo second. I don't stand up at all, then after we finish run backstage.

I run to the greenroom and change into a pair of black leggings, a gray knit sweater thats pull over, and a pair of gray UGGs. I run to the bus, and the back row. Abby asks me whats wrong, and i just say nothing.

The seniors hop on and Nick looks at me. He covers his face in his hands, and sits in the first row. Aurial try's to sit next to him, but he says get away.


We arrive home, i'm exhausted and don't feel like going to school.

I say Hi to mom, then run upstairs and hop in the shower. I scrub all of my runny makeup of my face and then hop out.

I put on black plaid boxer shorts, and a yellow long sleeve, and a pair of yellow slippers.

I fall down on my bed, and grab a tissue before crying again. I don't know whats gotten over me but i just don't know i loved Nick but face it Brooke he doesn't love you.

I call up the only guy that will talk too me about relationships Ryan. "Hello" he says. "Hi Ryan" i say choking up.

"Whats the matter" he asks. "Well Nick said he loved me and kissed me then after comp. he went and kissed Aurial" i say crying more. "Brooke, this is horrible. I know you guys are going through tough times but you have to make up you've been friends with him for 10 years Brooke" he says. "I know, but he broke me like Brandon" i say.

"I know he did, yah know what call me back when you calm down please" he says. "Ryan" i whimper. "Bye brooke" he says. Great another friend down the drain, i don't know what to do?

You Won't Break Me [b.m.h.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant