Chapter 29

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"Brooke I'm moving" he says. "What, Where" i ask. "I don't know yet, Mom said it was a surprise, i don't know if that will be good, or bad" he says. "Well do you know if your moving out of state" i ask, shedding one tear from my eyes. "I really don't know" he says.

"Let's go, i'm not in the mood for dancing" i say getting up, and grabbing my jacket.

I hop into the cab, and we drive away.

We arrive at the hotel, and hop on the bus, i change into black sweats, and a pink hoodie.

We hop on the bus, and start driving home.

Once we arrive at ALDC, i hug Nick goodbye, and hop in the van to drive home.


I wake up with tears, puffy eyes, and a wet pillow. I cried myself to sleep, thinking that this week is probably the last week with him.


Mom picks me up from School and takes me to dance.

We arrive and a gust of chilling air swoops the grass. I open the door, while my fingers chill and walk into the heated ALDC. "Hi Ms.Abby" i say. "Hi Brooke. Get changed, ill be in for pyramid, in 10" she says.

I walk and get changed into knee length black leggings, and a blue sports bra. I then put my hair in a twist bun, with the braid around.


We march into Studio A, and stand in the line. "Alright girls. I've brought Brooke back to strengthen our group number, sense the past two weeks, we've placed 3rd and below. So on the bottom is All of you girls, you were horrible, solos placed 5th and below, THATS HORRIBLE! Save the tears for the pillow, and act more mature!" Yells Abby.

Abby receives devious glares, and rolling of the eyes from all of the moms. "Now on top, i have Brooke who did wonderful with the seniors last week".

"So this week, the group is called Fire Cracker. Its a fun energetic number, thats focused on Acro tricks, and leaps etc. So we will be having a mini acro class Every day for 25 minutes, And then we will choreograph" she says. "The Solos go to Maddie, Asia, and Kendall. Kendall sense you are now in Maddie's division, I'm putting you head to head. Your having the same solo called Free. Its a lyrical number, asia your Number is called Dig. Its A funk/Rock number, with sass." Says Abby.

"I'm giving a trio to Chloe, Paige, and Nia. Its called Be original." Says Abby. Maddie start to tear, "Maddie WHY ARE YOU CRYING" yells Abby. "Well, its just Paige, Chloe, and I are the original Trio" says Maddie. "WELL SUCK IT UP, YOU HAVE A SOLO" yells Abby. Maddie start bawling and i feel really bad for her, but if i hug her Abby will probably Bark a me. "Abby, this isn't fair to Maddie" says Melissa. "IF YOUR KID IS SO SPECIAL THEN ILL TAKE AWAY HER SOLO TOO, SUCK IT UP KID" she yells. "Abby that is no way to treat a child" strikes back Melissa. "MELISSA, TELL YOUR KIDS TO GROW UP" yells Abby. "Maddie, Mackenzie lets go" says Melissa. She grabs their wrists and drags them out the door.

"Well those two are gone, I need to bring in replacement for the group, for Maddie, because we need, 6 students" says Abby. She walks out while we start stretching and comes back with Kiera. "KIERA" everyone yells, we hug her. "Alright only this week will we bring in a replacement, does anyone want Maddie's solo" asks Abby. Everyone except Kendall, and Asia raises there hands. "Um Chloe, your going up against Kendall, same rules apply" says Abby.

This is going to be a long week.

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