Chapter 8

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Felicity's POV

As the lecture ends I grab my things and leave the room quickly as I feel Warren and Dan follow me out. I can feel Warren's nervousness, guess he was hoping I wouldn't find out about his little "mate moment". Well he thought wrong.

I briskly walk to a secluded part of the school, every step I take is more and more forceful as I my anger builds. Once we reach the spot I was headed for I quickly turn around and face them. I see both of them take a slight step back as they take notice of my expression.

"Why didn't you tell me Warren?"

Daniel immediately answers in his stead, "Licy relax, he was only talking to her for a little while. It's not a big deal, you have no reason to be upset."

I could feel the steam coming out of my ears, "You did not just answer in his place! He can very well speak for himself. He has his own voice and mouth."

Warren takes a deep breathe, "Licy love, I felt I needed to speak with her. She's been walking around all depressed and it's hard to see that because I know I'm the cause. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's not because I was hidding it from you, I just wasn't sure how to tell you. I'm sorry if that upset you, how did you find out?"

Well that makes me feel a little better about the whole situation, I'm still upset with him though, "I overheard two girls from class speaking through the mind-link, who stupidly kept it open. I'm still upset that I had to hear it from them, I should have heard it from you right away. Do you know how it makes me feel when I have to hear something from someone other than my boyfriend?"

"I know babe, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?", he asks as he pulls me in for a hug.

I stand rigid as he wraps his arms around me but slowly relax as he continues hold me, "Yes, you're forgiven. Just tell me next time, okay? It really hurt to know you didn't tell me."

"I know and I will. Now let's go get something to eat before our next classes."

"Alright, let's go." I take his hand and together we walk to the cafeteria.


My next class is Painting-II, it is a course where we build on our painting skills from Painting-I and learn more about the different art techniques and styles. It's a great course, I've loved to paint my whole life. Together with my music it is another outlet I use for when I'm stressed.

I enter the class room and walk towards my usual spot that I've had since last year but to my surprise and annoyance someone else was sitting in my seat. "What is she doing here, and in our spot no less?", my wolf growls. I walk over to her and stand next to my spot, I notice when she feels my presence as she tenses up and slowly turns towards me. It's his mate, I was so excited for this course and her being here just had to burst my bubble.

"You're in my spot", I state with a remnance of anger in my voice from earlier.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, let me just get out of your way." I watch her quickly grab her things and move a good number of seats down from my. The whole class is set in a cicle with easels and stools set up for us to work with that facing the front of the room. People begin to enter and find their seats. After about five minutes the prrofessor walks in and begins the class.

"I'm professor Chandling and I will be teaching Painting-II. Today you will begin painting a scenary of your choice, I expect it to be..." Bah bah bah, I begin my painting and slightly zone out of what the teacher is saying. I''ve decided I want to paint the forest that surrounds my home that I see outside my window.

It is so beautiful and breathtaking I can not even put it into words. Sometimes I just like to set my easel and painting supplies bu the window and work as I listen to the sounds of birds and other animals outside my window, letting them be the inspiration and muse to my work.

It has always been a hobby of mine. My room is my safe haven where I can just forget the world around me and imagine my life better than it is. I like to dream I'm far away in a safer place, with people who love me surrounding me. As I return my focus to the reality of my life, my mood begins to drop lower again. I hate my life, I hate being someone in not and doing things someone else tells me to do. I have no escape, this is my life and I just need to accept it for what it is. I need to accept him as my keeper and master, I'll never get out of his hands completely.

I wish I could just find my mate and we could run away together, I would never tell him of my life but just being with him would make everything better. Inside my head there is this underlining fear of the possibility of rejection but I brush it aside, I cannot think of that.

I look back at my painting and see I've painted my forest in dark colours with this atmosphere of doom that can not be erased. As you look further into the forest you see it just gets darker and scarier. Somehow I've reflected my life into the painting, I've changed my favourite place. This makes me just hate everything around me all the more.

I feel my professor come up behind me and look at my painting. "You have quite the talent Licy, your strokes and edges are very sharp which gives the forest a scarier and gothic look. I can see you've put a lot of emotion into it, I like it a lot.", she says to me.

I don't like it at all, but she guessed right about the emotion. I've reflected everything I'm feeling into it. I can see others around the room begin to walk over and look at my painting as the teacher appears to have complimented mine. I see Warren's mate look over and looks at me with this strange look in her eyes that I can't decipher. It almost looks like pity, she couldn't have guessed why I felt that way could she?


Hello my lovelies! My everyone who is reading my book I'd love for you to also read this book called "She's the Alpha" by TT_Maria. It's really good!! Just thought I'd make a shout out for her, she's really awesome!! But honestly it's like the best story I've ever read. Truly a work of art!

Also, sorry for the super late update! I don't really have an excuse other than the fact that I've been lazy. Comment to me when you want a new chapter. I need the encouragement.

Anyways, hope you're all having a great day, Woo hoo! Christmas is getting closer!! More crazy family parties for me!

Here's a thought, in the comments write to my about the best Christmas present or gift you ever received!

Well hope to hear from you...


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