Chapter 28

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Felicity's POV.

I watched it all happen- she was so beautiful when she smiled at me, I craved her love and affection: the kisses she placed on my forehead, the way she lovingly caressed my cheek and said my name. But all in one day, all of that love I got from her was taken away.


"Where are you going?!"

"I'm leaving you and you can't stop me- you have lost your mind! I thought maybe I was just imagining things but you have crossed the line. I can't stay here and I won't let anyone else fall under your evil malicious ways, I am leaving and I am taking her with me. Maybe then you will realize what you have done; how could I have not seen this before, all the signs were there and yet I didn't see I ignored them and thought this was only a temporarily lapse of judgement on your part but you have always been this way and I just never wanted to face the truth. I know how you feel about her but I'm sorry I can't leave her behind with you. I will fight with my last breath if I have to, to stay away from you."

"Oh you will, will you? Well I guess then I'll just have to make that happen."


That was the last time I saw her again. I remember the tortured screams, the wails she gave- hit after hit- until suddenly... they stopped. I could hear the sounds of something heavy being dragged across the floor and from the top of the stairs I watched as he dragged her through the front door to the outside, I cringed each time her lifeless head would hit against something as he moved her, making a loud 'crack' echo off the walls of the almost completely uninhabited house.

The only one who I loved was brutally taken away from me, I was now left alone in this big house without any help. How will I survive?


I woke up gasping for breath from the memory-dream, pain rushes up my body from all the injuries still affecting me. Every part of me was sore and I could barely open my eyes, they were practically swollen shut. My mouth was so dry, I needed water. I slowly and painfully got up off the bed- carefully trying not to jerk too quickly in any direction, intensifying the pain around my ribs. Now that I was no longer being beaten or tortured to death Ana, my wolf was able to adjust my broken ribs back into place and heal the lung while I slept. She was almost absent in my mind, tired out completely from trying to heal me.

I slowly move towards the bathroom, grabbing onto anything I could so I didn't collapse to the floor. I grab the cup I keep in my bathroom and fill it with water from the tap, and just as I finish the water my phone begins to ring. I walk over to my side table, sit on my bed and look to see who it is- shoot its Warren! I totally forgot he needed to meet with me, he's probably calling to ask where I am. I test my voice out and find that it's raspy but doesn't sound too bad, so I answer "Hey Warren, I completely forgot you wanted to talk. After leaving your place I began to feel ill, I don't think I can come."

"Hey Licy, oh that's okay. Yeah you don't sound too good." There is a light pause and muffled movement before he speaks again "I'm sitting here with Lana, she wants me to ask you if you want her to bring over some soup?" A shiver runs up my spine, I will not put her in danger "NO! I that's okay. I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow. You know how I am." Now, although as wolves we do not get sick often I decided to use this excuse after every time I couldn't leave my room. Warren was suspicious in the beginning but after a while he just stopped asking questions.

"I'll be okay, honestly don't worry about me. You guys need to think more about each other and getting closer. We need to have our rightful Luna take her place, and then you can finally become Alpha of this pack."

I hear some shuffling, and a door close before I hear Warren's voice again, "look Licy, we really need to talk about everything. I don't completely understand why you're suddenly okay with this. It doesn't make sense to me."

"I know Warren, we can talk when I feel a little better. But right now I just need focus on getting rid of what ever it is I have." I hear Warren sigh on the other end of the line "Alright, I just want you to know that there will be visitors coming soon, because Lana and I will be having the ceremony in a few days. We've decided it's time. I've been stupid and I don't want to spend another minute without being hers. I also need to take my place as Alpha, since her ceremony and mine will be together she's invited her extended family. Multiple packs will be coming to see the ceremony, I think Lana would want you to stand next to her."

I sigh in exhausten "okay, I'm not sure when I'll be up and around. I'm feeling really sick." I'm not sure how I feel about standing with Lana during the ceremony but I need to help with this, it's my fault they weren't together sooner. "That's okay Licy, we still have a lot of time to set everything up. Just rest and hopefully in a few days you'll feel better. I'll let you get some sleep now, get well fast." Without saying goodbye I hang up and turn off my phone, I just need some time to sleep this all off.


I walk around the pack yard watching as all of my fellow pack members run around and prepare for tonight's ceremony. It's been a few days since my phone call with Warren and I've been feeling a lot better. He has left me alone for the entire time, Warren has kept him busy commanding the patrolmen and making sure nothing bad happens. With many different pack members and a few Alphas from Lana's family coming, they have wanted to make sure no rogues will intrude on the ceremony. I haven't seen any rogues in the house from a while either, Warren's parents are keeping a much tighter ship than before, making it impossible for him to sneak them onto the pack grounds unnoticed.

Tonight is a very important night for the pack but for some reason the entire day I've had this queasy feeling in my stomach telling me something isn't right and I don't know what to do. All I can do is try to relax and help Warren and Lana's ceremony to go on without a hitch. To say I'm freaking out would be an understatement.

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