Chapter 48

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Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear best author in the whole wide world and who is super cool and awesome! (That's me!). Happy birthday to you! (BTW this is genuine! Well except for the cocky never mind, I kind of really am that way.)

Holy crap I just realized how many chapters I have! This is amazing! I had no idea it would be this long! I have no idea when this story will end...

Felicity's POV.

"Can you guess what I'm going to do to you Daddy? Do you know what's going to happen? No? Well I do!! You've been a very, very bad man and's time to repay you for what you did to me. I can't take your virginity away, I can't rape you because both of those things are horrendous to forcefully do to someone, but what I can do is remove the very thing that has done those things to me. How many times have you asked me if you raping me felt good; I remember you would say I liked it, that I wanted it. Well I hope you enjoy this just as much as I did with you." He knows exactly what I'm going to do as he's no longer hiding his whimpers, his wounds still haven't healed and I find that curious but knowing he's scared of what's going to happen next distracts me well enough.

I stand up and lean so I speak into his ear, he is too well restrained to be able to do anything so I know he can't hurt me. "By the smell of fear you know what's going to happen next, don't think it's going to be done quickly. Just as you lengthened every pain you gave me, I'm going to do that for you. I want you hear you beg Daddy, nice and loud."

I move the garden shears closer to his crotch, he jerks his crotch away quickly and begins to squirm in his binding but it's useless "Licy, please, please don't do this! Don't do this to me! This is wrong, you can't do this!" I watch as panic sets in and he continues to cry as tears fall from his eyes. "What is this?!! You expected me to handle every hit, every agonizing moment of your torture and you are crying before I've even started?! Guess what, for you, there will be no end; I had to deal with you for almost my whole life, I had to relive every hit, every whip, every punch, without making a single sound and if I did, I got worse. Oh no! You do not get to cry! Beg all you want, there is no stopping this. Hey Daddy, why don't you just accept this, that's what you used to tell me: accept the pain, the beating, as your due. I'm just repaying your kindness. You're welcome!" I smile with a crazy look in my eyes I know he can see.

I know I'm beginning to sound hysterical but this is my time, he deserves this as much as I hate what I'm doing. I've had enough of his snotty whimpering, it's time to begin and finish this. I take the dull garden shears and press the tip end of the shears to the base of his penis and put pressure slowly, letting him feel each agonizing cut. His screams resound about the room, it is soundproof but by the amount of screaming and crying my father is doing I'm sure the whole pack- even those at the borders of the territory- can hear him. Blood spills onto the floor from the incision I left on his penis, I cut it deep but not deep enough so the whole thing fell off, that's saved for last.

"Hmm, I wonder what happens if I cut off your balls, now this wasn't part of the plan but hey, if it works for dogs it can work for you. After all that's what you are!" His eyes widen in shock, with the shears I move his more than dangly penis to the side, ignoring his begging and put the shears to the head of his balls where it attaches it to the rest of his body. He begins to try to jump up from the seat but he can't move, he screams a little as the shears cut into him because of his own actions. "Stop moving will you! I get to dismember you, you don't get to take that away from me too!" I move the shears to my right hand and allow my claws on my left hand to lengthen and I swiftly dig them into his shoulder.

"Okay just be patient, I'm almost done." With quick reflexes I cut his balls clean off, he begins to cry and scream even louder and all I can do is laugh manically. "Oh stop your blubbering. You are so weak. Does that sound familiar? No? Well I learned that from you!" With the tip of the garden shears I use them to push his balls off the chair he's sitting on. As they hit the floor they make this sort of jiggly, splashing sound. "Oh hey, would you look at that, they make a funny sound! for the finale!"

I bring the garden shears back to his penis, I place the end of the shears to the middle of his penis and instead of lengthening out his pain I cut his penis all in one go. I have no idea how he's still able to scream but let me be the first to say this man has one set of lungs on him. I laugh as his whole body now sinks in on itself and I dance around him flinging my arms in the air, it's almost like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

"So Daddy, what to do you think. Let's decide who tortures best, you or me?" I look at him to see his head down, the pool of blood around him continuing to increase in size from the multiple open wounds around him. "Hello? Daddy are you ignoring me?!" I know I sound insane but I could care less right now, I grab his hair and left his head up quickly in my grip. "You better answer me right now!" He opens his eyes just a little bit and doesn't look at me in the eyes, " win Licy." As he looks at me I smile broadly at him, the smile on my lips makes me feel as though my face is going to split in half.

"Good! Anyway, I'm getting tired of this, it's time to end you." I move back to where I left the shovel and grab it. "Daddy look at me, look up! I want you to look in my eyes as I end you so you know exactly why this happened to you, who is the one to finally finish you off, that should have been done to you a long time ago." He keeps his eyes on me, I can almost see something that looks like regret in his eyes but it's too late for that.

"This is for me and my mother." I lift my arms with the shovel in hand and in one swift movement I swing the blade of the shovel at his head. Instead of one clean break it stops against his spine and I see he's still alive but is choking on his own blood. "Whoops! Better do this properly." I grip onto the end of the shovel with a strong grip as if I were playing baseball, I swing it one more time, trying to hit the same place and this time his head comes clean off thanks to my werewolf strength.

As I stand before my headless father everything I just did sinks in and I turn and while using the shovel to help me stand, I vomit all over the ground. I move to the door and the minute it's open I collapse to the ground, I feel my body hit the floor with a hard impact. It's all finally over...or so I thought.


Uh oh! What do you think she means by that? Well you'll have to find out and see. Is it just me or do I leave all my chapters on a cliffhanger? Oh well! I hope you...Uhm...enjoyed the chapter? Haha I'm not really sure you would want to say you enjoyed it otherwise you'd sound insane!! But I'd still love you!!


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