Chapter 44

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Again a very serious warning!! This chapter is super graphic and very disgusting and gory...please do not read if you don't want to. From the last chapter you can pretty much get the idea...he messed the rogue up...badly! I just finished this for all of you! Enjoy!

Kendrick's POV.

Now that my feet have landed on the outer side of the caged arena, I jump at the Ruler of the Rogues unexpectedly and I see the surprise flash across his face, he did not expect me to attack so suddenly. In mid-air I half-shift into my wolf and direct my teeth at his jugular as I fly towards him. The cowardly man tries to run back to the safe haven he was in before, the room where he had beem waiting for my arrival but sadly for him he is too slow.

I reach him long before his fingertips can even attempt to touch the door handle, I wrap my fingers around the skin at the base of his neck- the same place a mother wolf would grab her pup to carry him- and with all my strength throw him down to the ground face first. His face makes a solid crunch sound as it hits the ground and a pained groan meets my ears. The sound of it makes me smile, I have so much more in store for this one and its going to be slow and painful.

He truly deserves more pain than this but before I start I have to make sure my mate is safe first so I mindlink my warrior, "Trankel, mindlink Qualrip. He has advanced medical knowledge and will be able to help my mate, he is waiting on the outskirts of this 'property.' Be careful of jerking her since she has a lot of broken bones and deep cuts, try to keep her alive. I can't imagine the thought of losing her again." I don't need to hear his response to know he will complete his task perfectly, he is holding his Luna in his arms after all. I close the mindlink and return to my task.

I pick my foot up and place it on his head, pushing his head further into the ground, "You thought you could have my mate, did you? Claim her as your own? You are a measly, disgusting man who is not even close enough to being worthy of her. Not that you care." I lean forward and with a menacing tone to my voice I say "did you know I felt every time you took her? Every time you forced her to sleep with you? Whether she came or not, you still forced yourself on her, no being should be allowed to live for abusing their power over someone. You call yourself a leader? You have a better likeness to dirt more than anything else. If you are going to act like dirt then I'm going to send you back to where you belong."

"I want you to know that your death will be a slow and painful one. Did you not think there would be repercussions to you actions? Well now it's time for you to meet your death. I hope you find pleasure in the torture I give you, never again will you get it from raping my mate or anyone else's. You will die a slow and painful death...and I can't wait. We are going to have fun."

Even with his face on the ground he still makes an attempt to sneer at me "Oh you think I raped her? Her beautiful screams when I took her say differently. You should have heard them, I've never heard a voice more sweet. Maybe next time I'll take her from you and when you arrive I'll have you walk in on me-" As he was talking I was looking at his hands that are sprawled on the ground and decided to provide him with something to scream about. I grabbed the pointer finger on his right hand and swiftly broke his finger.

Not in just anyway but in a way that provides the most pain. I learned long ago how to break the bones of wolves in the most excruciating way possible and I'm so glad I did becuase finally I have a good reason to put it to use. "Oh I'm sorry, what was that you said? Did I just hear you threatening rape on my mate and even suggested that I walk in while you do it? What makes you think you'll even get the chance- sorry to inform you but you are not walking out of here alive."

With those words I shut him up...well no, not completely. I don't let him say more as I continue to break all his fingers, one by one and for added measure I twist the bones to the side to they can't heal. For even more of an affect I break his wrists too and twist the bones around so his perfectly aligned hands are now facing outwardly, palms to the side. "Please, please, I can't take anymore." He looks at his hands "My hands...ah my hands!"

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