-N E W S T U D E N T-

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*Woozi's POV

At night, I watched television. I can't focused on the screen. I kept thinking about Hoshi, yeah Soonyoung.

Then, in the silence atmosphere, my phone rang. I picked up.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Woozi-ah~" someone called me by surname. I looked at my phone and put it back to my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Aih, you stupid. I'm Dokyeom, have you forget me?" Dokyeom said.


"HAHAHAHAHA, no, I just come back 2 days ago. Hey, where are you?" Dokyeom asked.

"At my house, of course" I said.

"Can I come over and stay there?" Dokyeom asked.

"Of course, you can. Hehe" I said while giggling.

"Is Soonyoung there?" Dokyeom asked.

I went silent.

"Woozi?" Dokyeom called me.

"Ah, I will tell you when you come here." I said as I hang up the phone. I sighed.

I just can't accept all this happened. Seriously, can't. Its hurt me even more.


Ding dong~~

I walked toward door and opened it. Revealing Dokyeom with his gummy smile.

"DOKYEOM!!" I shouted as I jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, you still small when the last I met you" Dokyeom said.

"Yah, remember, I am your hyung. Watch your words." I said as I help Dokyeom carried his things.

"Have a sit. I'll go make some drinks." I said as I went to the kitchen after I put Dokyeom things.

Dokyeom followed me to the kitchen.

"I can't stay alone. I will help you then" Dokyeom said while smiling.

I smiled and remembered what he just said. He can't stay alone, just like Soonyoung.


I walked up to the room. Then I turned and Soonyoung was behind me.

"Yah! Why do you following me?" I asked.

"I can't stay alone." Soonyoung said as he pouting his lips.

"Okay okay" I replied as I chuckled.

End Flashback

"Woozi?" Dokyeom called me as he waving his hand infront of my face. I looked at him.

"W-What?" I asked him.

"You know what? You just put your hand in the hot water" Dokyeom said and I look.

"ARGHHH! OUCHHH!!" I yelled then I fell down to the floor. Dokyeom's face looks worried.

"Hey! Wait here!" Dokyeom said as he went to the sink.

I just shaking my hand to makes that hotness feels disappeared.

Dokyeom came back with a wet cloth in his hand, and he wrapped it around my hand.

"Feel better?" Dokyeom asked.

I nodded.

Dokyeom wiped my tears.

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