The Final Battle

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Meanwhile others met Wesker.

- So you are Wesker! - Exclaimed Ashley

- Yes, it's me

- Wesker, you will die! - Chris said

- I'm indestructible, you can not do

- That you think? Sorry, but you are wrong - interrupted Soap

- Soap! Attack them!

- I'm not your puppet - said crushing device - I know your weakness Albert Wesker

- Grrr ..- he growled

The new virus, the same one that had injected Carlos Olivera, the most powerful virus that had never existed was then injected.

- What you take it? - Asked Sheva

- A virus, three times more potent than the above, is Virus T-4000

- He's crazy - mumbled Ashley

- What are you waiting for? - Challenged and disappeared

- Damn! - exclaimed Leon

- Stay tuned - Alice said

Wesker appeared behind Ashley and when he was going to stab Chris giving shot in the head, but Wesker spat, then quickly disappeared and appeared behind Chris.

- I will kill him! - He cried holding him with a knife in the neck

- Chris! - exclaimed Sheva

Alice then took by surprise Wesker and shot from behind, but he disappeared and the bullet grazed the ear of Chris.

- AAHH !! -  exclaimed covering the ear - are you crazy?

- I saved - Alice said

- But almost killed me!

- That will be - a voice was heard and Wesker appeared behind him with the knife stabbing in the back and disappeared again.

- Chris! -  exclaimed approaching his companion Sheva

- Kill that damned - Chris whispered and started to bleed to death

- Leon, Alice! placed detonators and clear the place -  commanded Sheva

- Roger - said both

- And what about you? - Asked Soap

- I will revenge

- I will help you

- And I - interrupted Ashley

Wesker then appeared in front of Sheva and collared

- They will not take me! - Exclaimed Wesker

- They may not, but I do - a voice was heard, it was Carlos Olivera

He threw a knife in the heart Wesker, freeing the girl, but did not die and the knife was removed. They all watched Carlos.

- Carlos! -  exclaimed Sheva, Leon and Ashley

- I knew you could do it - muttered Soap

- So you end up with your clone - said Wesker - ha, you can end up with everyone but me never

- Found a weakness of yours fool - said Olivera

- Do not tell me

- Another copycat, if not Leon is Wesker - said Soap - grrr ... I hate phony

- Soap, I need you to put detonators In and flee

- No - he said

- Carlos - interrupted Sheva - we will stay here, because Leon and Alice take care of that

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