Krauser's Return

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After of the distribution plan, two mercenary groups were separated with corresponding tasks.

The Delta team was reunited with an old enemy of Leon, he was Krauser.

-Well, well, it's nice time for a reunion, old rival

-Krauser! How could you ....?-said Leon

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, how could I live ... it's a long story, I don't want to be disrespectful, but I want to kill you first, and show you my new power juajuajua-interrupted sharpening his knife Krauser

-You have become even more crazy after everything happened-Leon added

-That was your fault; now a fight.

-No, thank you, as you see, I'm in a hurry, I have great duties and do not have time to play "who will be the murderer" with a madman.

-You're making me angry, Leon! You'll see how big it is my fury!

-Oh yeah, like if I do not know you

After Krauser said nothing, consumed some pills, and became a huge monster.

-Krauser! Shit! I will end you once and for all although this is not a good time-said Leon

All was shot to Krauser, but the bullets did not penetrated his body, and did not cause any type of damage, the monster began to attack and threw fire from his hands, all were saved of that, but some how many fell to the ground between them was Leon then Krauser lifts to Leon with one hand, taking him in the neck, then Helena was shot the shoulder to Krauser, Leon was released quickly leaving him lying on the ground.

-Withdraw him, withdraw him!-said Helena-withdraw Leon of here, I'll stay!

-But Helena!-interrupted Chris-we must withdraw all together!

-Do it!

Leon did not understand what was happening, then Jake helped him up from the ground and leave the place.

Helena was alone with Krauser, who had a back step because received a rifle bullet in the shoulder. Helena continued shoting him, but after all she had no other thing, to flee of the monster, until Krauser hit him, grabbed him by the neck, lifting him into the air, and threw him to the ground, then her right leg was immobile, and could not walk.

When all seemed lost, got aid, it was Matt, the Alfa group, a Granada made to Krauser lost the horrific legs and his monstrous arms, then Helena gave him a shot in the head and killed him completely.

-What brings you here mercenary?-asked Helena

-Hey lady don't be bad to your hero. Must first thank me? And by the way call me Matt.

-That's okay.Thanks, now asking for help or something.

-All right

Matt contacted both teams and planned a meeting to Cortland.

-Hey, do not answer my question-said Helena

-I missed of the group, when a herd of zombies attacked us, I was here, I found you in trouble and help you-said Matt.

-I understand.

Matt accompanied Helena holding to prevent a fall, gave medical attention to his leg and walked on until the meeting point.

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