The End of Ramon Salazar

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Jill and Ashley walked the streets, entering house to house, looking for survivors or something that has to do with the C-200 virus, but could not find anything ... until they found a young pony, they did not know who was that.

-Who are you? You are right?- Jill asked

-My name is Ramón Salazar, I've been waiting for you

-Waiting? Why are you only around here at this hour of the night?- Ashley interrupted

-Sure you're right? - Jill asked

-One by one the questions, please; not you know I'm your worst enemy - Salazar said

-Ha ha ha ha; you? Our worst enemy?- said laughed Ashley

-But You do not even come armed; also seem harmless-added Jill

-Of course, I am! - Salazar said nervously.

-Come on, show us that you have, baby- said Ashley

-With pleasure.

Salazar then injected a substance into his veins, he looked up he raised his hands, after his body grew in width and length, but it was changing his appearance, had huge claws and his face was not the same as before.

-Oh! Rays! Ashley had to say it.

-But it seemed harmless

-All right, we must finish it.

-I think you do not have to mess with a tough guy like me, ha ha ha- Salazar said laughing evilly.

Just then Ashley shot to Salazar, but he was covered with his huge claws.

-It does not hurt!- said Ashley

-I think it's my turn- Jill interrupted.

Then followed Jill shoting twice in the head to Salazar, he can't to see, he stepped back, then Jill rocked him with a large knife, cutted his throat.

Salazar fell.

-Yeah! This is how you beat one of them- said Jill

-Jill, I think you should not celebrate yet


Jill looked towards Salazar, and saw that all damaged parts were recovering, Salazar stood up and did not die.

-This is impossible - said Jill

-This is not impossible ... this is power-said Salazar.

Ashley and Jill continued shoting, but he did not die. Salazar then approached them, attacked with huge claws; but they dodged and fell on the floor; and when Salazar was about to take a final shot says:

-Because you are little girls, I forgive you. Bye now; and a final warning, with me you play with fire, and if you will come back to play with me you can burn.

Salazar goed like if nothing had happened. By going to a corner he founded to Leon and Chris.

-Hey old enemy! pick on someone your own size- said Leon pointing to Salazar with a bazooka.

-Leon Scott Kennedy ... interesting moment, damn unhappy! - Salazar said

-Have a good weekend - said Chris; then when Leon shooted and Salazar died in pieces.

Chris and Leon were quickly to help to Jill and Ahsley, but they were in good condition.

-Good shot- said Jill

-It was great Leon!- Ashley added.

-Yes, I already realized.

-And what's new?- asked Chris.

-I will call to Alice-Leon said - Rates, here Leon Kennedy.

-I hear Leon

-Alice, I founded to Jill and Ashley, being attacked by an old enemy of mine.

-Are you all right?

-Yes, now the question is ... What do we do?

-Work as a team and continue with the plan.



-Rates- said Leon finishing contact - Okay, Alice said work as a team and continue with the plan.

-Well. What we wait? - Chris said

-True- said Jill

-Let's go!- Ashley exclaimed

-Okay- Leon said with a smile.

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