The Luis Sera's Death

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Having killed to all zombies, resistance with Luis Sera, who would have been infected, reached another deserted part of New York, following in the hummer and the truck with motorcycles, could be observed cages falling parachute from the sky.

-What is that?- Zack asked driving a harley davidson

-They're cages?- asked Jill from hummer

-wooow!- Helena exclaimed from the truck

Suddenly a cage fell off the hummer, and Carlos slammed on the brakes.

-Shit!- exclaimed Olivera

Then a zombie dog out of the cage and jumped out the hummer

-No need to make noise- said Alice, from radioauricular

Then came another cage a zombie bull chased to Zack who was in one of the motorcycle, while the other two were up truck

-Carlos must attack with hummer - Ashley exclaimed

-He's in overload

-Rates!, listen, we can not let die Zack! - Jake exclaimed radioauricular

-No we risk by one- Kross said

While Zack fled another bull attacked the hummer

-Fuck!- Exclaimed Carlos

-Fuck All -Luis exclaimed from the truck- Chris cover me!

-What? - Chris asked

Then Luis took some dynamite he got off the truck and started shooting, all the monsters observed

-What fuck is doing that idiot! - Zack exclaimed seeing that the monsters stopped followed him and were after Luis

-Come to Daddy! - exclaimed Luis

Just then he left his machine gun and was going to light the dynamite, but a zombie dog would attack from behind inadvertently and Chris prevented shooting to the "dog" in his head. Then Zack climbs to Luis on harley davidson to escape those things. All of the vehicles down and started shooting at the monsters.

A zombie bull chased Jill, she still continued to fire while retreating, but did not die until the bull walked up to no power, crawling and died.

-Rays! Eight cartridges for a fucking bull, they are very strong!- Jill exclaimed

-Cut Heads!- exclaimed Leon

While shooting and fighting all those things, Luis told Zack from the motorcycle:

-I need you to come me down here, we must end this

-You're crazy?

-No, but it's too late- Luis said and threw the motorcycle

-Hey!- Zack exclaimed slowing the motorcycle- sure do you want to?


-Take care mate


Zack then fled with the motorcycle.

At that moment Luis launched Granade a 30 feet away, and all the monsters chased after noise. Then Luis said on the contact:

-Change Alice, I need to be remembered as an American agent defender who fought for their country

-Luis, you never will be forget

Then Luis began to spit blood, and monsters approached him, then turned and launched by dynamite stuff, booom! It exploded and destroyed 5 of the monsters.

He quickly tried to light another but fell dizzy from losing a lot of blood in the nose and mouth, could drown, is so lying on the ground took the bomb containing a powerful explosive, and when all the monsters attacked pressed a button and Booom! The explosive was about to get to where they were the hummer and the truck with two motorcycles, then backed the truck and some entered the hummer where for some reason functioned the shield, but Zack don't managed to enter her or the truck, then fell off the motorcycle and slid in the hummer and the other side managed to cover the explosive, which would have left a huge crater in the desert without any rest of those zombies animals, which became ashes like Luis Sera.

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