The Fight against Cyberzom

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One morning after the death of Luis, all vehicles were down, and began to check if they had the same damage, but they were clean. Then they continued with the mission.

- Are you okay? - Asked Carlos to Alice while driving

- Oh, yeah, yeah

-That look does not reflect that Alice, think you can fool me?. Alice, I tell you, Luis was always a good agent, we know, but sometimes things happen for a reason, but we should not lower their heads so we must continue to fight to save the world and especially for the death is not in vain, you know?

- You are absolutely right

Along the way they encountered a problem, the site was flooded like a river. The resistence had no other option than to cross with four boats were on the water

-Great! And now? - Leon asked downing of the truck

-We must cross with those boats, walking!- Chris exclaimed

- Wait!- Zack interrupted

- What?- Chris asked

- The truck is very important, because how achieve forward?

- Rays! What do we do? - Asked Chris

- See, see, see...-Alice said

- Look, there's a bridge! - Exclaimed Sheva

- Great! The bridge is very high, we will not cross in the same way-interrupted Ashley

- We have no choice but to cross the boats- Kross said

- No, wait, I sense something wrong in the lake- interrupted Ada

- What thing? - asked Kross

- I do not know, but it is strange have a lake in the middle of a desert place

- And how we'll cross it and continue with the mission?

- I do not know

- Great, you do not know

- The bridge is high, there must be another way to cross the vehicles- interrupted Jake

- Wait a minute, that's what I imagine it is? - said Jill watching with binoculars- is a crank!

- Excellent! That should serve to lower the bridge- Sheva said watching in binoculars from Jill- now the question is who are encouraged to cross the river and go for it?

- I'll do it - a man interrupted

- Who are you?- Asked Sheva

- I'm Walter, a survivor, here I come - said without more stories

Walter climbed into the boat and cross the half river later a monster, knocked the boat, Walter fell into the water and trying to swim to the river bank, the monster devoured him whole. All resistance remained with his mouth open, amazed by what happened.

- Wooow, which missing-Soap said

- I hate to say it but I'll say "I told you," I trust my instincts, is Cyberzom- added Ada

- Cyberzom?- asked Soap

- Hey boy!, I had a life before I met you, perhaps you did not go through it?

- No, yet- said amazed Soap

- And now back to the question of Sheva, who would dare to cross? - Jill interrupted

- Me- said Carlos Olivera

- No-interrupted Alice

- I say yes, do not worry, everything will be fine

Resident Evil Operation New York CityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz