Chapter 1

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The London air always smelt like smoke these days, it never seemed clear after they invented these stupid clanking machines. I hear my shoes hit the cobblestone path underneath my dress, I avoided what puddles came in my way and held my bag close to me. I travelled to the beggar parts of London were the gypsies played their trade, dancing, busking, magic, drugs and fortunes. I always held a kindness to these people, they taught me the ways of the dancer, thievery and most of all deception.

This morning when I arrived to the gypsy markets I was given a mug of 'Joe'. 
"Good Morning, Mademoiselle" Lilly smiled, the youngest out of all the gypsies here would greet me every morning she was my favourite, since her mother acted with such kindness too me.
"Hello, darling Lily, and how is my flower this morning?" I chuckled picking her up in my arms.

I walked through the markets with Lily holding my side, I saw her mother roasting her hands over the fire next to the centrepiece fountain which had been unfortunately blocked for years now. I let Lily go as she ran to her mother laughing.

"Good Morning Ophelia, How are you this cold morning?" Lucille asked, with a certain sadness in her eye.

"I am managing with the cold, it seems to get colder each year now" I added, warming my hands in front of the fire.

"Yes it does" Lucille's eyes darted off as we both noticed a police carriage arriving in front of the fountain.

A couple of officers came out of the courage and awaited for the order of their lieutenant. The last man came out of the carriage was shorter than the average man, but he clothing stated he was more important than the officers, he started to shout out orders and the officers started to head off in different directions. Another carriage had just arrived behind the other one and two gentlemen came out of the door, they were both properly dressed as they were talking to the short policeman. One of the men looked at me and stared for a couple of seconds before I started to look away.

"What are they doing here?" I asked Lucille with a hint of worry

"Apparently there has been another one of those murders around the markets" She looked down at the ground with sorrow

I stood up and started to walk over to the three men in deep conversation. I straightened my coat making my self presentable to the three gentlemen.

"Excuse me, gentlemen" I queried

All three of them looked at me, even the one who stared at me for a complete two minutes before. 

"Yes, Mamm?" The short one asked

"What is going on, if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned

"A murder has been conducted here overnight, this is a crime scene and we need to ask you to leave" He replied

"Is that why he was staring at me?" I exclaimed

I gained the two other gentlemen's attention. "John Watson and this is..." The first gentlemen started but was then interrupted
"Sherlock Holmes, sorry for staring, not many women catch my gaze"

"What do you mean by that, Mr. Holmes?" I added

He was hit in the side by Mr. Watson standing next to him. "It means you are lucky"

"Joy for me, I guess I leave but not with the knowing of your name sir" I added with my head snapping back to the short man standing in front of Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson.

"Detective inspector Lestarde, Mam" He smiled "What is yours, we need record everyone who is here might as well start with you"

"Ophelia Marie Blackmore" I smiled, catching the attention of Mr. Holmes again.

I walked back to Lucile and Lily, they both seemed worried, I asked them to follow me back home until the police have finished their work at the crime scene but refused.

" We will be fine, those other two gentlemen were handsome weren't they?" Lucille chuckled, while nudging her shoulder at me

"Never would a man like that would go for me" I laughed

"Why not? He might be different" She added

"They are all the same" I shrugged "Everyone runs away expect you and Lily, they never stay"

"Sherlock Holmes is different, follow him for awhile because you have got his attention" She smirked

"You think I should? I mean seeing the dirty underbelly of London would be exciting, I mean used too but I don't know if I should again" I chuckled

"Maybe a little adventure and mystery is what you need and plus he might bring you money if you help them and get out of that terrible building your living in" She suggested

"Hmm, I will keep a listen out for the police reports in the paper and by ear, I might find him running around somewhere" I smirked "Thank you Lucille, I must say goodbye now there are some things I need to do around town"

"Goodbye Ophelia and write me sometime, tell me how things go" She smiled as Lily and her both waved goodbye as I left the market I walked past Mr. Holmes catching his attention again as I left the markets and on my way to carry out my daily jobs.

As my day carried on, I started to walk home, I could feel as if someone was following me, stalking my footsteps remaining in the shadows. I keep aware of the footsteps behind me as I walked calmly back home. I never looked back, I kept walking forward until I heard the footsteps come to a stop when I crossed the road. I walked on into a home shelter, were gypsies slept and ate together.

My Auntie died when I was 18, she became blind from all the hair dye she used and developed tuberculosis, she was betided for three months until she passed she selled her home and I was left alone, I wondered the streets of London for days until I was welcomed by the gypsies they gave me a bed, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. I have never known more kindness than these people despite my family name they still accepted me, because I had no where to go.

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