Chapter 6

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Dr. Watson returned from the main lounge room with a pile of books and a notebook to make notes on.
By the hours that went by I was through my fifth book and it was starting to become boring.
I have been hearing pacing in the room next door for an hour, not gentle pacing like a mild speed and mutliple times to stop with added mubbling.

The door swung open and Sherlock stood there proud to the window directly across from him.
"Lovley day isn't it?"

"Yes it is, I wish I could feel the sun but it might be a while til I do" I stated

He remained silent cocking one eyebrow.

"Watsom gave you some reason material" He sounded stuck up, he sat on the bed almost so close to my leg and picked up some of the books one by one.
"He dies at the end and she takes over"
"Boring, I could see this comming from a mile away"
"The Bible? CAN HE NOT SEE YOU? You are obviously from gyspy heritage"

"You have some Witt behind your intelligence Mr. Holmes, it looks like you get carried away" I smirked

"Only when I work on the cases that mean most, people I don't have time for they are the least importance" he states rather boldy

"So following after last night wasn't a caring compassion that had over come you" I chuckled " Damn I kept my hopes up"

"No, I was..... I was..." He stumbled
"Nevermind as long as you are here safe and not out there at night"

"So you do care" I chuckled

He turned to look at me confused

"It's okay you must have already had a woman that bested you kne, Mr. Holmes" I states in compassion

"Yes, but that was a long long time ago, I doubt she would ever turn around to care for me again" he mumbled "But! She doesn't matter anymore I have other things to attend to"

He quickly left the room and slammed the door making me jump on the spot.

I stared out of the window and sighed,  rubbing my eyes and putting the book down. I glance to my left and see a glass of water and a pitcher.
I take a long sip of water and feel like trickle down my throat. I looked around the room seeing a chair in the right back corner of my room with my clothes neatly folded on top.

The room feels like it belonged to someone else, it was empty the previous owner must've kept it clean.
Dr. Watson! That explains most of my deductions about this room .
I chuckled to my self, putting the water back on the night stand and tilt my head back in the afternoon sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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