Chapter 4

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"So why are you here Miss Blackmore?" Watson asked 
You breathed in as both of their eyes gathered on you
"I was wondering if you needed someone to work with you?" I asked nervously 
Sherlock laughed, I had just realized how bad it sounded out loud like I was a joke 
"Dr. Watson, I know that you had your leg injured in on of the wars, I can tell it's psychosomatic, you are technically having play on yourself without realizing and I know that Sherlock obsession for drugs, particularly Cocaine in some parts, You are taking a break for now but it seems you aren't coping with it. Seems to me it is the only way to clear your mind these days with everything going on in London" I Smirked 
They looked at me surprised. I pick my dress up off of the ground "Farewell" 
I started to walk out the door when a voice stopped me "Wait!" 
I turned around "How did you know that about my leg?" Watson asked me 
"Because it bloody obvious Watson!" I heard Sherlock behind him

I chuckled a little before I left the building, I heard a clutter coming upstairs as I saw Sherlock stare at me from the stairs, I flashed him a smile and gave him a curtsy. He raised his hand up to his forehead and saluted me. 

Sherlock walked back into the room and Watson looked Puzzled. 
"We need to keep an eye on her, Watson. She may come in handy" Sherlock exclaimed 
"Well I can't tonight, I will be meeting Mary" He reluctantly sighed, he really didn't wish to keep his new intended bride to be waiting, she can get feisty at times.

*French Voice* LATERR THAT EVENING.....

The air just seemed to get colder and colder every step that I took, I love roaming the streets and seeing the life that it can have everyday and night. 
I know that it holds it's dangers but I always make sure not to get caught and never get hurt. 
I pass each shop display and see all of the beautiful tailor made  dresses that I used to wear every single day. The fabric that I used to wear now was always itchy due to the bug all around were I slept and I tried to remain smelling my best.

I touched the glass, I could feel everything that had been taken away from me as a gentle wind blew across my body making me shiver. I walked on and hugged my jacket as tight as I could. I started to make my way back home were I started to here drunk manly laughter from behind me.
"Look at that one there!" One yelled 
"Hey! Hey! I will pay you double for just a little time with you love!" He laughed slurring over his words and footsteps as her started to walk to me.
I ignored them and started to fasten my pace. I could here him starting to chase after me. My feet started to run as I tried to get away from him. I could feel a hand tug onto my arm but I shook him off.

I sprinted into the nearest alleyway and tried to see if there was anyway out. I ran to the end of the alleyway realizing it was a dead end I tried to climb the pipes on the walls but The group of drunken men started to drag me down and let me fall to the ground. Two men pulled me up as the men started to circle around me I tried to push them to let me through but I knew they wouldn't. The guy who called out early start to put his hands over my curves rubbing his hands up and down. I start to shake as he starts to lift up my dress, I raise my knee up and knee him in the stomach. Anger filled the mans eyes as he slapped me hard across my right check knocking me to the ground.

My Vision was blurry and Pain stung in my face. I could feel hands on me dirty and drunken hands all over me. Near my ear I heard the click of a knife and felt a pressure on my stomach as a man started to touch my body underneath my dress. I start to scream louder than I have in my life before.
In midway of my scream on of the men fell down, I was shocked yet grateful that I am being saved. 
One of the drunken men picked me up, held me behind him and stuck the knife at my side and started to push into my skin which cause me to scream through grit teeth. I saw the group of men starting to fight with a man i could not see in the distance one by one started to go down. I heard gun shots and fists contacting with body parts, breaking bones and yelps from the drunken man.

"Don't come any closer otherwise I will gut  her like a pig" Said the man holding me angrily, he liked my face and dug the knife deeper into my side which made me scream loud out to the cold night air.

I heard footsteps coming closer, I felt the knife sudden;y rip out of me I fainted only to be catches by a pair of arms. My eyes slowly closed as I saw the man starting to take of his jacket and secure my wound around my waist. I feel darkness consume me.

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