Chapter - 3

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Determination filled me as I walked towards the so called Holmes residence in near the busy city of London. It did not take me long to find the street name on the side of the building.
I loomed down the street to find it busy with horses going up and down with carriages or a carrying local stock to the markets.
I walked along the right side if the street, my eyes stopped to a sweet little cafe next to my planned destination. I saw an old lady behind the counter making all types of baked goods and savory delights to be sold in her shop. I smiled at the thought.
I walked a little further down the street to see the numbers 221b on a lamp over heads of me
I approach the door and knock lightly.

I waited a while before I heard cluttering noises behind the door. Before footsteps stopped at the stop fiddling with the lock on the door. The door slowly opens to the old woman who was mending the cafe next door, her apron had small amount of flour splattered on the front.
"Hello Miss, Can I help You?" She asked politely
"Hello I wish to see Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson, if that is possible" I replied happily
"Sure I know that Mr. Holmes is upstairs if you care to join him I am sure Dr. Watson Won't be far along" She added smiling
She stepped aside to let me in and closed the door behind me. This apartment smelt of baked goods, plants and musty old dirt . I saw the stairs in front of me the old lady had gone off back to the cafe next door. 
Nerves took over my body as I started to climb up the stairs where I come to a corridor with two doors One on the left and the one on the right, the door was open on the right me having a quick look I could tell it was a guest bedroom of sorts. 

My eyes drift to the door on the left I breathe in and walk forward to the door and knock lightly. 
"Enter!" I heard a voice yell
I opened the door only to duck from a flying statue being hurled at me. I stood back up with wild eyes and the man covering behind the couch. 
I could see his messy hair starting to rise up above the couch. 
"Who are you?" He asked quite intrigued "I have seen you before"
Before I spoke he came up to me close and began to look at my face.
"The Crime Scene in the early morning with Watson and Lestrade"
"Yes that is correct" I confirmed " I just wanted to ask you something, I am quite worried for my friends near the markets"
He started to trail off the room and went to the drinks tray near the window over facing the busy street infront of the house. He started to pour an amber liqour and smashed it down without heistation.

"There is a lot more to you isnt there?" He questioned, He grabbed his pipe and started to chew on it.
"What makes you say that?" I replied smiling, My eyes dragged around the room 
"An innocent standby er wouldn't just for no reason, nor a gypsy"
"Who said I was both of those things?" I smirked challenging him "I saw they way you looked at me you seemed very interested about me being there"
"Because a woman of a rich family wouldn't be in the slums of London" He coughed 
"What did you just say?" I frowned 
"Take a seat, Miss....?" He offered 
"Now that is just cheating isn't it Mr. Holmes I will give you my first name the rest you will have to figure out" I smiled, teasing him to challenge me "It's Ophelia"
"Sherlock" He answer back 
I sat on the red couch that he was covering himself from when I had first opened the door, He has sat beside me and looked at me his elbow was resting on his knee and his hand resting on his chin. His eyes shifted to look at the features of my face, he then breathed in and stared.

"You ran away from the only relative you had because all the rest of your family left because they though you weren't worthy enough to carry the family name because of your lack of interest into getting married, they left. You went to the slums where you found your little friends. Your feet are slightly curved and your shoes are warned out. You are also a street dancer to pay for your food and shelter" His eyes stared of in the distance 

"Very good, but you missed something?" I chuckled
"What was it?" He asked "Oh Your family name, Blackmore" 
"How did you?" I puzzled 
"They were the only family to leave London in the last two months" He added  

I heard footsteps downstairs and coming up the stairs quickly.
"Holmes, you have left the letters outside again, please bring them in" a manly voice complained 
I turned arounf to see a man in a top hat, coat and a walking cane by his side.
"Ahhh Watson" Sherlock Piped up "This is Ophelia Blackmore" 

Watson's eyes drifted over to me, he tipped his hat and smiled "It's a pleasure Miss Blackmore"
"And as for the letters, I asked Mrs. Hudson to do it" Sherlock added childishly 

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