Tag thingy

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I was tagged by MiMi_is_Me
1. Do you like someone?

Me: yes! but not in real life!

2. Does he like you back?

Me: probably not ;-;

3. Single or Taken?

Me: single and don't wanna mingle!

4. baterry %

Me: 22% ;-;

5. last person i texted?

Me: probably my friend which the name i won't tell XP

6. Middle name?

Me: Speed~ just kidding its Charvia

7. last song i listened to?

Me: hmm.. Cheerleader by OMI

8. Girl bestfriend?

Me: in real life i have like 8 i think and in here i don't really know..

9. Guy bestfriend?

Me: i don't know..

10. Fav OTP

Me: Nagumo Haruya X Suzuno Fuusuke or Naguno i guess XD

11. Why i made my account?

Me: well because  the stories here are AWESOME! So is the peoples! So i thought i could find new friends here! ^^

12. Current lockscreen?

Me: its on the pic, if you don't know who he is he's Akise Aru from Mirai Nikki and yes i watch mirai nikki.

13. Zodiac and Birthday

Me: my zodiac is aries, my birthday is at 14th of April

I tag people who read this (if you haven't done it)

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