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5 years later...

"Kim you need to speed up a little, we are going to be late." I hear Youngmins voice all the way in the bathroom.

"I'm trying." I yell back.

I put on my high heels and walk out of the bathroom and into my room. I take a last look in the mirror and I'm satisfied in how I look. I walk downstairs and Youngmin is in the kitchen walking from side to side.

"I'm done." I tell him.

He looks at me from head to toe. "Kim you look beautiful, but there is no way I'm letting you walk out of here with those shoes."


"Look at them they have like 6 inches your going to hurt yourself." He says "besides you have to take care of yourself."

"Fine, you win." I say as I turn around to walk upstairs again.

"Wait." He says and I stop. He kneels next to me and removes both of my shoes.

"Now you can go." He says.

He's so overprotective now. I didn't expect him to be so overprotective.
I open the door to my room and look for something that looks presentable. I find some white Sandals that have a silver flower on top. I think it looks good. I want the stairs down very slowly it gets me tired now.

"You're so slow." Youngmin says with a smirk.

" if it weren't for you I would be so slow." I say.

"You say the extra pounds are my fault?"

"Yes that correct."

"I didn't do it alone, honey."

We both start laughing before he helps go down the rest of the stairs and walk outside. The fresh breeze hits my face and it feels so good. I walk up to the car and sit inside.
The long ride was pretty quiet until I break the silence.

"So are you ready for the questions?" I ask.

"What questions?"

"About this." I signal to my stomach.

"Yes, I am." He says.

We finally reach the church where Kwangmin and Kim Na Na are getting married. Lost of people are already here. Once I step foot inside I could see all eyes on me.

"O my gosh, it has grown so much." The twins mother says.

"I know. He will be a big one."

"He? It's a boy?" She asks.

"Yes." I smile.

I rub my stomach feeling the big belly bump. I can't wait to see our baby born. I know he will be the cutest baby ever. I feel a kick in my stomach and it only brings me joy. I will be having Youngmins baby. My husbands baby.

"There's always been a saying that the Jo family brings big babies." I hear someone say. I turn around to see Kwangmin there. I hug him and he does the same.

"So how's my future niece or nephew?"

"Nephew. He's doing good. Lots of kicking but good." I laugh. He has been kicking all day today. I guess he woke up from his beauty sleep.

It's time to have the ceremony so I walk to the back with Youngmin so we can enter with the music.

"Your baby is kicking me a lot."  I say. Youngmin smiles and put one ear in my stomach.

"Hey baby. It's your father. You better be good to mommy for the next four months. She has been very tired lately so stop kicking. I love you." He says and stands straight again.

"Don't worry he'll stop kicking."

"I don't think so, he's kicking more." I laugh .

We enter the church and everyone rises for Kim Na Na she looks beautiful. I hope she has a wonderful marriage like mine.


The wedding ceremony went perfect. The party has begun and my feel hurt. Having this big belly gets me tired. I sit in a table where Jan Di is with Min Woo. Now that they got engaged they seem to be very clingy. Dong Hyun is single and so is Hyun Seong. Jeongmin is dacing with his girlfriend.

I feel a tap on my arm and turn around. To my surprise it's Oh Ha Ni. I never expected to see her every again. Not after she pretended to be pregnant by Youngmin in High school.

"Hi." She says.


"I just really wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. I know what I did was stupid but I was so young. I hope we can stop being awkward with each other. Not friends but at least normal. I hope your baby grows to be very strong." She says.

"Thank you. I forgive you. I hope one day you can find a guy that really loves you."

"Thank you." She says and walks away.

I so weird. I forgot she was close friends with Kim Na Na. She left school after everything was revealed to her parents. I never saw her again. Not that I remember.

The party is over and i am so relieved I can finally go to bed. I reach the door to our house and feel the happiness inside me.


"Yes, why?"

"Never mind." He says and walks inside before me.

"Tell me why." I ask as I follow him.

"Nothing it's just since we found out you were pregnant we haven't well you know." I blush at his words. I know what he means but it's true. With all the nausea that I used to I dint want to have that.

I follow him up to my room and this time I want to do it. All the tiredness I was feeling escaped my body. The doctor said we could do that anytime we wanted that it wouldn't affect the baby. So let's give it a try. Youngmin walks into the bathroom and I take my dress off trying to look my sexiest when he came out. I hear the door open and he looks at me from top to bottom.

"I'm ready." I say.

Youngmin walks up to me and kisses me very hard. Every went just fine. It actually felt very different. Once we finished we laid side to side looking at each other.

"I love you." He says

"I love you more." I say and he pulls me to rest my head in his arms. I usually rest my head on his chest but my stomach won't let me. The baby kicks again and I put Youngmins hand on top of it.

"I love you too little baby." Youngmin says before kissing my stomach. After an hour of talking we both fall into a deep deep sleep... The end.

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