Chap 46

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We have now arrived to 'El Yunque' and it's like 100 degrees out here. Maybe if we arrived a bit earlier like I said it wouldn't be this hot. I wanted to come at nine but NO they decided to wake up at ten make breakfast at eleven and come over here at two hirty. I lend the girls some of my short pants because they only brought long ones. The boys were smarter and actually brought their shorts. Before going in we sprayed some insect repellent because the humid makes there be a lot of insects and we don't want any of them stinging us.

"We have to stick together and follow the track that's on the floor or else we will get lost." I said as I warned them. This is a big rain forest and in many occasions people have gotten lost in here. I remember when I was small my mom didn't want to bring me here because of it.

Half way up the hill we were already hungry and tired so we sat on top of some rocks. Everyone had a sandwich my mom made this morning for us and some water bottles. It took us about full fifty minutes to finish eating and get some rest.

"We better hurry up if we want to make it back before the New Years countdown." Kwangmin said getting up and helping Na Na stand up as well.

"How much more do we need to walk?" Jan Di asked.

"I've never been here so I don't know."

"According to the map like about half an hour more." Young min said but his face was being cover with the map they had given us at the entrance.

"Okay, let's hurry up it's getting late." Min woo said.

"And chilly." Na Na added.

While walking up min woo stepped on my shoe lace "this boy" I say under my breath. I kneel down to tie it and apparently I didn't close my backpack correct and the stuff started falling out.My map flew away, my flashlight Is next to me and the water bottle was rolling down. I turned around to follow the water bottle and I finally stepped on it. "Got ya." I put all the things back inside making sure I closed it well this time and when I turned around I was surrounded by loneliness. I walked up a little bit to see if maybe they were a waiting a little further but I still see no one. I was now alone looking at a 'two way' path. Which side do I have to go? It must definitely be right, yes in sure it's right. I walked into it the right direction with confidence but the more I kept walking the quieter and darker it started getting. "YOUNGMIN." I started screaming. "KWANGMIN, JAN DI, ANYONE?"

Youngmin POV
"Kimberly where are you." I say as we were going down the hill again. Apparently after all the warnings she had given us, she was the one to get lost. I can't believe I didn't notice she wasn't with us after we had arrived to the top of the mountain. This rain forest is super big where could she have ran out to. Young min you are so stupid.

"You guys what if she went through their?" Jan Di said pointing a darker path than the one we were on.

"She had a map that said to go to the left side, she wouldn't go the other way." Kwangmin said which did make sense but what if she did?

"What if she fell down their." Min Woo pointed at the edge of the mountain where you could see we were very high up. Anyone who falls down there will die on the way probably.

"MIN WOO SHUT UP." We all said in unison.

"I'm just saying."

"No she has to be safe." I said as I am now getting scared. It's already dark in the sky and she's probably tired or hungry. Maybe she's hurt, her ankle wasn't funny healed yet and neither was her hand. My heart started hurting, I hate this feeling. I afraid I might lose her. No, Youngmin you can't start thinking that. She's safe I know it, she isn't someone to give up that easily. I shake my head to avoid any negative thoughts and start thinking of a plan.

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