Chap 20

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The days started passing on really fast. Now only one week till I get back to Korea. This was the most boring trip of my life. I got to see my mom like never. This is why I don't get along with her. Plus my dad decided to show up and take me a week I had forgot he lives in Japan. That felt like heck. I found out I have a younger half sister. She is 9 right now. That makes me mad. I mean he can take care of her for 9 years yet he left me at the age of 5. While being with my father I never left my room. I only ate because I wasn't gonna starve. After that week I was sent back to my mom. I don't know which was worst being stuck in room or being alone in my hotel room.Well at least its almost over. I get to go back to Jan Di, Kwangmin and and no one else. Yeah no one else i don't want to see Youngmin anymore. I just hope that when I see him my butterflies don't erupt.

Kwangmin POV

There was only one week left till I get to see Youngmin at least smile again. During this whole time he never even looked at a girl that tried to flirt with him. He ignored them completely. He always wheres the necklace she gave him.

I was in front of my locker when suddenly someone bumped into me.

"Miane." Kim Na Na said. Once I saw her i was gonna yell at her but Youngmin's words ran in my head. 'You tell her you don't like her.... Your hurting her' Why did Youngmin have to say that. Now I have the urge to be with her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her outside.

"What now? You gonna kiss me again?"

"Kim Na Na do you like me?" I could tell the question got her by surprise since she had a confused face.

"You know the answer to that."

"I need you to be honest with me right now."


"Because today can change everything."

She started getting nervous I could tell by the way she was bitting her lower lip. I got close to her ear "so do you like me?"

"Maybe a little." She answered with a flash of pink on her cheeks. I backed away a little just enough to look into her eyes. Then I pecked her lips "I like you too."

Her eyes widened and shined with my words then next thing I knew she smashed her lips into mine making me stumble back but I managed to control myself not to fall. It was a passionate long kiss her handing moving in my hair. We broke the kiss our eyes locked on each other. It felt awkward so we looked away.

"Does this mean.." We started laughing considering we both spoke at the same time.

"Well are we a thing now?" She asked.

"Well I hope so."

"Well okay then. Well I'll talk to you later." She said walking away.

"Kay." I said in awkwardness. When I couldn't see her anymore I jumped up in excitement screaming "yes."

Youngmin POV

*one week later*

The month passed by really fast just like I wanted. I really didn't do much. Just all things I used to do before when I didn't know Kim. You could say I made new enemies like Jin and Jimin. Mostly Jimin cause Jin is mostly with his girlfriend but i think thats why I dislike him. He gets to be with the one he loves. I cant do that anymore. The only good thing out of this is that finally today is the day I get to see Kim again. She must be arriving at the airport right now. I cant wait to see her here. I guess all my friend are kinda dating except for Min Woo and Hyun Seong. Tho it wont take them long to find someone cause they both have a girl they like. Kwangmin and Kim Na Na are in a better state now. Its a little awkward to see them together considering they were always fighting. Wow, a lot can happen in a month. I want to be the one to tell Kim about everything. I was walking alone when i saw a short tanned girl with dark brown hair. My heart felt joy shes finally back. I went running to her and hugged her from the back.

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