my lady with the green glass

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the afternoon is doe eyed, it watches o'er the sea

the afternoon is doe eyed, it watches out with me

the sky holds misty visitors who sail aloft and watch

there's a song in the wind and it's sighing through the dunes

the air that skims my hair, cooled my neck, stroked my ears

the air that skims my hair, kissed my cheek, took my fears

rowdy sun has a throaty laugh and freshly salted breath

its catchy tune slips on my tongue, and soon we'll go to sleep

the lady with the green glass, drinks pears in bubbly foam

the lady with the green glass, wears silver rings at home

tonight the fog will curl up and lay down in her arms

she'll dream of a star that sails by and looks lovingly onto her


this old media is exceptional, the lyrics and pictures made me feel like laughing and crying all in one go. it is everything in the world... if that makes sense. i love it.

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