
664 29 14

(Jacks/Seans POV)

     "Aim." Mark instructed me. "We don't even know who they are! Why are we gonna shoot them?? Even so. I don't even know how to shoot a gun. Only done it in video games." I whisper "I know who they are. There not good people. Trust me." Mark whispered back. "How am I supposed to trust you if I just met you? Like really!" I tilt my head to look at him. "Just aim." Mark rolled his eyes. I turned my head back around, facing the front of me.

"Like I said before I don't ev-" I was cut off by a gunshot, then another. I closed my eyes shut, and quickly threw my hands over my ears 'my' gun on the ground. "Ahh." I heard Mark sigh. "You ok??" He asked. "Yea! I'm perfectly fine after you shot someone!!" I had my eyes open, and I looked directly at him. My teeth were gritted with anger, and a little worry. "Whoa. Calm dow-" I closed my eyes again, my hands still on my ears as I heard more gunshots. When I heard no more shots. I opened my eyes to see another person down.
"You joking, right?" I spat putting down my hands, and opening my eyes.
"What?" Mark rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna sho-" Mark shouldered me back, but before I could scold at him, he stumbled back, holding his right shoulder, falling onto his butt and dropping is weapon. Out of my defensive instinct, I picked it up and stood I front of him. I saw a person, aiming at Mark and me so I, not even thinking about my action, aimed and shot. I shot him directly in the left chest area. He fell instantly. I quickly turned and shot, missing once and then shooting another person. I checked the area and when I knew it was clear, I knelt down next to him.
"See? Enemies." Mark grunted, grinning. I could hear the pain in his voice. "Shut up." I mumble under my breath. "I'll be fine." Mark said with a heavy breath. "Yeaaaa" I sarcastically state. "Hold on..." I rip the bottom part of my shirt off, and wrap it around his shoulder, covering the wound. "There..." I put a little pressure on the wound, and wrap it again with another
ripped part of my shirt.
Mark mumbled something, trying to get up. "Stay sitting.. I don't want you to get anymore hurt." I push his non-injured shoulder back a little, he sat back down. I sighed. "Thank you, Mark."
"Anytime...... Hey! I never got your name." Mark leaned forwards a little, grunted, then leans back again. "Sean. But I prefer Jack." I looked up at him, and smile. I don't know why I did. I, y'a know just, did. 'Is he... Smiling back?'
      I zoned out, until.."Se--Jack!! Over there!! I saw someone!" Mark nudged me slightly. "Wha..?" I breathed, and got up. Mark handed me a gun. "Here... Just in case." "Thanks Mark." I say, and take it. I was still hesitant, but if it's to protect myself, and or someone else , I kinda want to do it.
     I started to walk fowards the gun in both my hands. I narrowed my eyes and I noticed a dark human-like figure
I knew I had to shoot, but something was urging me not to. 'Who is this person??'

P͞͞E͞͞A͞͞C͞͞E͞͞ O͞͞U͞͞T͞͞ B͞͞R͞͞O͞͞S͞͞K͞͞I͞͞E͞͞S͞͞!!! ✌🏼️

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