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(No POV)

   "Felix.." Jack's voice shook slightly, his body tensing up. Felix was pointing a gun at Jack's head, smirking. "Aww~ Little boy scared? You should be." Felix chuckled darkly and pulled the trigger.

(Mark's POV)

   "No... No no no.." Right as the trigger was pulled, I rammed myself into Jack. We both fell to the ground with a thud. I got up quickly and faced Felix, anger shown in my narrowed eyes.

"You gonna protect Séan?~ How brave of you, Mark.~" My eyes widened in surprise. "H-How do you know my n-name..?!" Jack never told him, right? I don't remember him saying anything...

"Felix. Leave 'im alone." Jack had stood beside me, putting an arm in front of me protectively. "This 'as nothin' t'a do wit' Mark. If y'er to hurt someone it's goin' t'a be me." His accent was thick, and his voice was a bit 'deeper' than normal.

"But Séan, darling~ He's trying to protect you!~ Shouldn't you be grateful? It's rude not to accept help.~"

(Jack's POV)

".... I tried to 'elp ya-!" My gaze flickered over to Mark as he spoke. "I asked Jack what was wrong the other night. The night after he first saw you for the first time in a LONG time." He was telling Felix what I told him a few nights ago.

"The day before you two had to go to the camp. There was a bombing were you guys lived. It was an small orphanage, right out of your town. Most of you guys got out alive, but.... Jack never found You. He grieved for days upon days. Non-stop crying, screaming and shouting. It was rough.. You two were young then. Six or seven? You were older by a year. When the bomb exploded, you two were inside. Jack had taken your hand and started running, but the rush of kids.... The sweat from the heat. Jack lost grip of your hand. He tried to hold on. He tried.When I got outside, Jack immediately started looking for you after no spotting, He started to run inside to go look for you. Jack was held back by one of the orphanage staff. He started screaming you name. The staff told him it was to late. He didn't give up though. Jack struggled in her grip, getting free and started running again... Then, a second bomb went off. It flung him backwards, burning parts of his face, legs, arms, and torso. He, well... the kids who survived, were taken to the camp."

My eyes had swelled with tears by the time Mark finished speaking.

(No POV)

Felix stood there, his eyes glistening with slight tears. "I-I.." He choked on his words, speechless. Mark looked to Jack, who looking back at him with a small, genuine smile. "T-T'ank ya..." Jack spoke softly, wiping his eyes with his hand. Mark just nodded.

The sound of a gun being dropped was heard, and then knees hitting the ground was also heard. The two men looking over to Felix, who was not on his knees, tears falling from his eyes and down his cheeks. "Y-You.. You.." Jack locked eyes with Felix, tears still in them. "I never forgot about y'a... Fe, I never could..." The Irishman's voice was shaky, but legible.

   "G-God I-I thought-t... I-I ju-just..." Felix's choked on his words, coughing slightly. ".... Felix, please don't cry..." "I-I messed u-up.. I-I fuck-ked I-it all up-p..." Felix sat on the ground, his hair covering his eyes. He shakily reached for the gun, grabbing it. Jack's eyes widened again and he rushed towards Felix, kneeling next to him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"No... I lost you once... I-I can't lose you again.." Jack hugged Felix tighter, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.
".... Y-Y-..... Y-You won't..." Silently sobbing, Felix hid his face in the crook of Jack's neck, gripping the back of Jack's shirt tightly and dropping the gun.

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