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(Marks POV)

   "What does he mea-" I'm cut off. "He's testing me...." Jack mumbled. I noticed that he had the gun in his hand. 'Is he really gonna shoot someone he knows? Even I wouldn't do that..' My mind trails off as 'Felix' cackles again. "Ahh yes, you were always smart Jack." I watched as Jack just looked at the shadow covered man. "But, not very tough." He cackled once more, stepping into the light to reveal little of his face. Jacks description was spot on.... Tan skin, dirty-blonde hair, and light blue eyes.
    "Wh-" Jack started to huff, but was interrupted by Felix.  "Oh please. You know why." Felix spat. "B..but that was.... Y...you died...." Jack voice got shaky and quite as he trailed the sentence. I could see tears forming in his eyes, ready to fall at any given moments. "Oh but as you can see I didn't." Felix's voice was now flooded with anger. "What did you do after I 'died' hmm?" Felix questioned, his face now blank with no expression show. Jack didn't respond.
      "To ashamed to speak it seams.... Good." I huffed at Felix's statement, he seemed to notice. "And what may you want?" He asked "Um... How about you leaving us alone?" I had sass in my voice. "That's gonna be hard to do, hence..." He trailed off. "What?"
    "I have to go... Such a shame." Felix made this weird grin that sent shivers down my spine.

              (Time Skip)

Jack isn't speaking... It worries me. I know somethings up but whenever I try to talk to him, he just walks away.
"Jack... You gotta rest. We gotta move tomorrow. It's not safe here anymore." I tell him as he checks my wound. It's only been a day since I got it and it's healing fast. Jacks doing a good job with it. "You wound is healing, which it good. It'll be fully healed in a few weeks." He responds, ignoring my previous statement. His voice sounds dull, but shaky at the same time. "Jack..."
"What!?" He spats. His eyes go a little more attentive as he realized his tone. "S....sorry." He looks down. "It's ok. Just..., get some rest. We may have a long walk tomorrow.." I sigh, running my hand through my blue-ish hair.
"When did u get it dyed?" "Hmm? Oh, awhile ago, before I could even think this would happen." I lay on the ground. Surprisingly, he joins, laying next to me. "When did you do yours?" I look at his hair, seeing the neon-green atop his head. "Back at camp. By the amount of times I've slept, about let's say... A week? Maybe too?" He puts his hands on his stomach, sighing.
    "What's up with you Jack?" I hesitated upon asking, but I really wanted to know. "It's about.... Felix.." Jacks voice sighed saying his name.          
   "How do you know him??" I ask quietly. "He...he and I were close friends. The day before we had to go to the camp. There was a bombing were we lived. It was an small orphanage, right out of town. Most of us got out alive, but.... I never found Felix. I grieved for days upon days. Non-stop crying, screaming and shouting. It was rough.. We were young then. Six or seven? He was older by a year so... Anyway! When the bomb exploded, we were inside. I had taken his hand and started running, but the rush of kids.... The sweat from the heat. We lost grip.. I tried to hold on! I tried.... When I got outside, I immediately started looking for him, after no spotting, I started to run inside to go look for him. I was held back by one of the orphanage staff. I started screaming his name. The staff told me it was to late.... I didn't give up though. I struggled in her grip, getting free and started running again... Then, a second bomb went off. It flung me backwards, burning parts of my face, legs, arms, and torso. I, well... the kids who survived, were taken to the camp.. I've been there most of my life. Until you found me I guess."
As Jack finished, I saw tears rolling down the side of his face I could see. "At least you know he's alive......" I mumble. "Yea.. But now he hates me!! How am I supposed to live knowing that he hates me!?!" Jack yelled, I feel as though he might have been talking to mostly himself.
    "He...he was my best friend...." Jack choked on his words, sitting up, he put his hands to his face and sobbed quietly. I also sat up. Trying to comfort him, I put my hand on his back, rubbing circles on it. I feel him tense up at my touch then relax, heavily and shakily breathing in and out.
"Think you can get some rest??" I ask quietly. "Let me check you wound first..." He mumbled quietly, barely able to hear. "Jack you re-" I was cut off by Jack unwrapping my wound. I grunted in pain as he held my arm out, stretching it.

              (Time Skip)

I watched the sky as Jack finally fell asleep. 'Good thing he fell asleep. He needs the rest after today....' I'm still dumbfounded about all this but, in a way, I kinda feel like I should help Jack with this. Even if I barley know the guy.
'He even told me what happened between him and that Felix dude. I'm surprised he told me something so personal.' I let my thought rake on as sleep encloses me.

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