Part 1

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As the soft classical music almost floated out of the speakers of the unfamiliar car, I wondered what was going to happen to me because my mother suddenly fell ill.
"Excuse me, ms...."
"Ms. Davis."
"Ms. Davis, where exactly am I going? No one told me; all they said was that my mother was sick and that she could no longer take care of me."
"Well, Sang, you are going to stay with your Aunt. She was the only one to offer to let you stay at her house."
Aunt? I didn't know that I had any other family alive other than my mother; let alone an aunt.
"Sang, wake up. We are at your aunt's house."
Oh no! What if she is mean or she doesn't like me! What am I going to do if she is abusive!?
"Come on, Sang, aren't you excited to meet your aunt?"
"I..I guess..."
"Oh, come on. You will be fine; I talked to her on the phone yesterday; she can't wait to meet you!"
As I walked up towards the unfamiliar house, I will have to call home; I took in my scenery. At house next door, I watched a boy around my age run out of his garage and straight into his green, rundown car and out of the neighborhood.
Across the street, another boy looked like he was about the take a run.
The boy next door had brown hair and, from what I could see, copper-brown hair. What shocked me the most was how muscular they both looked. The jogger appeared to have more muscles than the other boy, but they both looked like they were both well built.
"Sang! Aren't you coming?"
"Oh sorry.... I got distracted by the beautiful neighborhood."
"Oh, honey, that's alright, but we should get a move on; your aunt's waiting for us"
"Okay..." I said nervously. I knew at that moment that my life would be changed forever.
When we walked to the front door and rang the doorbell, we waited.
After what felt like an eternity, a tall woman answered the door.
"SANG! Is that really you?!"
Out of my surprise she quickly jump forward and wrapped her long, slim arms around me and said," I have waited forever to you, my name is Sarah."
"Hi.. Sorry to be rude, but before this morning, I didn't even know that you existed."
"Well, Sang, I hope that we can change that quickly," she said with a smile.
"Sang if you need anything at all, no matter what time of day it is give me a call, ok?" Ms. Davis said, while handing me her card.
"Come on, Sang, I will show you your room."
We quickly said goodbye to Ms. Davis and I followed my aunt Sarah through the front door.
As we were walking towards the stairs closest to the door, I looked around.
The hardwood floors looked like they had been walked over many, many times. The walls were covered in many paintings of sceneries and pictures of people I have never met before.
To my left I saw a wooden table surrounded by many other chairs and again this room's walls were covered in many photos of place and people I have never seen before.
The room on my right had a flat screen tv mounted on the wall above a brick fireplace. In front of the fireplace, pushed against the opposite wall, sat a brown leather couch and in between the fireplace and the couch was a wooden table with glass in the center. Most of the walls in this room were covered in paintings of animals.
If I walked past the staircase, I would walk through a hallway into, what appeared to be a state of the art, kitchen. How I would love to spend time cooking in that kitchen!
"Sang! Don't you want to see your room? I didn't know what kind of things you like, but I did my best to try and decorate it."
I followed Sarah up the stairs and we walked into the room that was the first one on the right.
I didn't know what to say, but I knew only one word to describe it:
In the middle of the room was a full size bed with a pink blanket. Next to it on both sides were white tables. Also in the room was a tall white bookshelf filled with books and a radio, a desk with a laptop sitting on it, and in the corner was a pink beanbag chair on top of a pink mini carpet. Surrounding the windows were pink lacy curtains. Unlike the rest of the house, this room had pale pink walls, while the rest of the house had white walls; but similarly to the rest of the house it had hardwood flooring.
"So, sweetie, how do you like your new room? If you don't like something, say something and we can replace it."
"I love it! I don't want it to change!"
"Ok! I am glad you love it. I will leave you here to unpack. The door nearest your bed is your closet and the other one is your bathroom."
With that she left the room. I feel like I am going to be happy here!
Hey guys!
Sorry if you don't like the book. I am new at this and this is my first book.
If you like it say something and I might continue it.

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