Part 4

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Hey guys!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you enjoy this new update; an early Christmas present from me to you!
Let me know what you think in the comments section!
After school
"Sang! Wait up!" As I turned around towards the person talking to me, I noticed Kota running behind me, trying to catch up with me.
"Sang, do you need a ride home? These busses are packed and I am sure they don't need another person riding them."
"Sure, I would love a ride home, but let me see if it's alright with my aunt." After I finished talking, I pulled out my new iPhone and texted my aunt.
Sarah would it be alright if my new friend gave me a ride home?
It took her a moment to respond, but after what felt like an eternity she said:
That should be fine, just come straight home.
End of text
I looked to Kota and said,"She said it would be alright, just I need to come straight home."
"Great!" He said enthusiastically.
We walked to his car which was a run down, green vehicle.
Once we got inside Kota's car, he turned to me and asked,"Where do you live? I know I should have asked beforehand."
As I told him my address, a look of realization came across his face,"That's the same street I live on!"
I was about to say I had seen him outside of his house, but I didn't want to sound like a stalker.
"Wow! Really? That's ironic," I said sounding shocked.
After the drive home
"Well here we are," Kota said,"I didn't realize that you are my neighbor. How come I didn't know that you lived here?" He asked curiously.
"For one: I moved in a week ago and two: I haven't spent much time outside."
"Oh, that explains it!" He said quickly, but with a smile,"Would you like to come inside?"
"I would have to check in with my aunt, but I would like to," I responded.
Inside my house
"Aunt Sarah! I'm home!" I said in acknowledgment.
"Hey Sang, how was your first day of school?" She asked kindly.
"I was fine, I met some new friends; one of my friends lives next door! Isn't that cool?"
"That's cool Sang. What's your friend's name?"
"His name is Kota and he invited me over to do homework; we have classes together. Would it be alright if I went over there for a little while?"
"That's fine but keep your phone on," she told me,"tell Erica I said hello."
As I walked up to Kota's front door, my nerves grew more and more.
I rang the doorbell and a few moments later, Kota answered the door.
"Hey Sang! Glad you could make it! Come on in," He said happily.
I walked through the front door and notice the beautiful house; all things in the neighboring rooms looked like they each had their own place; made only for them.
On all of the walls were pictures of Kota, and two other people that I presume to be his mom and his sister.
A girl walked into the main entrance, she had long brown hair and glasses, she appeared to be about thirteen.
She's so adorable; she looked like a mini Kota! I thought to myself.
"Kota, who's at the door? No one told me we were going to have guests!" An older woman said as she walked into the room.
"Mom, it's just Sang, the girl who moved in next door, with her aunt," Kota replied to his mother.
She took one look at me and said," Why aren't you adorable! I didn't know that Sarah had a niece!" She said with a wide smile.
She seemed nice enough; she had the same colored hair as Kota, but unlike him and his sister, she has soft brown eyes.
"I moved in last week, after my mom could no longer take care of me," I said shyly,"Oh! By the way, my aunt said to tell you hello."
"Well that's sweet of her! When you see her later, tell her I said hello, back. By the way my name is Erica," she said kindly.
Kota turned towards the younger girl in the room and said," This," he pointed to her," is my younger sister, Jessica."
"It's very nice to meet you, Jessica," I said," my name is Sang."
She held out her hand and I took it, shaking it in an introduction.
"Well you two go on, have fun; I know that the first day of school is always the hardest!"
After the introductions, Kota and I walked up stairs and we took a quick left, going into a room, which I automatically assumed that it was Kota's.
Wow what a great room! I thought to myself.
In the center of the room was a full sized bed with a comforter that was a variety of shades of green on it. It was beautiful.
There were many bookshelves lining the walls with many books in them; many of them were classics that I recognized because I had already read them; I love to read.
Similar to the other rooms in the house, most of the wall space was filled up with pictures, many of them were of friends, like Silas and Luke, and others were family pictures with him, his mom, and Jessica.
I was amazed: his room was beautiful and well kept.
"What do you want to do?" Kota asked me.
"I don't know," I responded, because I had no idea what there is to do.
We finally agreed on playing a game and we spent the rest of the evening racing cars and talking about our first day of school.
Sarah texted me telling me that dinner was almost ready and that I should get ready to leave to come home.
"Kota, I've got to go. My aunt's texting me; thank you for inviting me over to hang out, I had fun."
"It's no problem, Sang you are always welcome over here," he said kindly.
I walked home thinking of the events that happened today, moving now doesn't seem like a bad thing now that I have friends like Kota.
I hope you all enjoyed the latest update in Sang's New Life!
Leave what in the comments section; I love to hear what you think about my book!
Once again, Merry Christmas. Stay safe and have a happy holidays!

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