Part 9

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Dedicated to faithandchester thanks for being an awesome friend and for supporting my crazy ideas all the way! Love ya!
Last time on Sang's New Life

Sang got a call from Gabriel and was invited to hangout.
What could happen?

Sang was almost run over from some boys as she was walking into the school, but was quickly pulled out of the way by the young Dr. Green.


Saturday (Sang's POV)
I woke up to the blaring noise of my phone's ringtone.

Someone's calling me. Who is calling me at 8 in the morning?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey trouble! It's Gabriel. You ready?" He asked

"Ready for what?"

"Trouble get your head out of the gutter! What did I ask you a few days ago about today? How could you forget something like this?" He asked me.

"Umm..." I thought for a minute, what could he be talking about? I took me a few seconds before it dawned on me, "Do you go this far to just hang out with people that you've just met?"

"Of course! I am always busy, so I look forward to little things like this. So are you ready or not?" He asked me again.

"Considering you just woke me up, I am not ready, but of if I hurry up, I can be ready by 8:30. Is that alright?" I asked him.

"Ok, I will be there by 8:30." He said.

He hung up then I started getting ready.

What could happen today?

He came by to pick me up at 8:29. What an overachiever!

"Are you ready for this?" He asked me with a wide, mischievous smile on his face.

"Yeah! What are we doing today?" I asked curiously as he took my hand and led me towards the edge of the woods. 

"You'll see," he said, making me nervous. I mean what could happen?

We walked for a few minutes through the woods, enjoying the silence, rarely doing anything, but pointing at the animals or plants that we come by. 

We heard a rumble off in to distance and as we looked up, the grew on shade darker and it looked as if was going to rain. "Come on!" Gabriel said quickly, as he took my hand once again and started running off into the direction that we had come from, "We need to get inside before it starts storming." As he said that it began to pour and it only made us run faster to try and remain dry.

It was a lost cause.

We reached the entrance of Kota's house as another bang of thunder shook the ground. Once we took our last step onto the front porch, my front door opened and Kota's mom asked, "Are you going to stand there or are you going to come inside, out of the storm?" Immediately following the question we practically jumped through the open door of Kota's house.

"Gabriel? Sang? Is that you?" Asked Kota as he walked into the room to greet us. "I didn't realized that it was going to be storming this badly," he said, "Wow, you guys are soaked, come on." He said while leading us up stairs, "Oh, and don't worry about the puddles, I will get them later."

(After a small period of time that they were drying off and changing)

Kota stood by the window in his bedroom, looking off onto the street. "It's a wonder that the rain hasn't lightened up yet," he said, not noticing that I had walked out of the bathroom from changing into dry clothes.

"I would have thought that too, considering it's been twenty minutes," I said, slightly startling him as I noticed his shoulders getting stiffer by the second.

He raised his hand to the back of his neck, as sign of nervousness, "Goodness gracious! You scared me." He said, "I'm glad those pijamas fit alright, don't worry your clothes should be finished drying in a little bit," he said with a small blush growing on his cheeks.

"Th-thanks." I said, breaking the awkward silence that had grown between us.

"So.... do you want to play a game?" He asked us, as Gabriel had just walked into the room.

"Sure! Why not?" He said with a mischievous grin.

"Can I join?" Asked a deep voice that I didn't even realize had entered the room. "Sure, Victor! The more the merrier!" I exclamed

We all went downstairs and pulled out some large beanbag chairs and chose a game. Racing.

"I call Sang on my team!" Gabriel said quickly as Kota had just loaded the game.

"Ah man! I was gonna do that!" Kota said.

"Come on Sang, sit by me," Gabriel said, pulling me over into the beanbag that he was sitting in.

"Cheat, Trouble, cheat." He wispered into my ear. How?

We started the game and I noticed that Kota was quickly pulling ahead of the other cars, this is what I need to do.

I raced up to where Kota was a knocked into his car, but to my surprise, he just kept on going and I spun out towards the side. I multiple times, and it still had the same effect.

"You know Sang? Cheating is not good." Kota told me as he won the race.


We played for 30 more minutes and when we finished, the rain had stopped.

"I'm bored!" Gabriel said, "Why don't we go to the mall?"

"Ok!" We all agreed and we were off.


Hey guys!

I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated this book. School has hit me hard I have been busy with my classes.

I hope you enjoyed this latest update in Sang's New Life!

Please comment, vote, and if you can please follow and read @faithandchester's books she is amazing!

Thanks!  Keep reading!


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